Right; well i still managed to send out parcels today; people are still ordering 😆 Not that the postman has actually collected them 🙄 although i think he did on Wednesday when i was traversing the fogbound countryside 🙄 I managed to make the receptionist snigger about it anyway, so i think it has been seen widely for the idiocy it is.
Well anyway, the week is barely worth commenting on from a home ed point of view, but from a family one it has been nice. Fran and Maddy spent Monday and Tuesday night monkeying around at the Charlie and Claire’s house, watching Happy Feet, making mince pies, Fimo-ing and generally being lovely from all accounts. They’d had a complete ball and have been doing the “when we were at Charlie’s….” thing constantly since. Presnets were exchanged and the girls (and subsequently my nieces too) were all rather delighted with gifts of babylegs which thoroughly pleased them.
I left here on Wednesday, having made a snap decision to then go on to my parents for the night, in bright sunshine and without having listened to the news but within 35 minutes was driving through thick fog and at times thickly covered iced up trees. So it wasn’t the most relaxing journey. Short stop with Claire and then up the M1 (hearing of queues in the oppositie direction up around Jax’s route 🙁 ) to get to G+G’s. Fog was extraordinarily thick at times (love my special fog headlights) but amazingly seemed to inspire people to drive more carefully for a change 🙂 so i sat between a couple of lorries and tootled alone. Do wonder at the wisdom of the overhead things proclaiming “FOG!!! Slow down!”; i’d suggest that anyone with a drive-fast-in-fog mentality is not going to slow down at a gentle orange dot matrix reminder, given they’ll already have missed the obvious visual reminder of not actually being able to see anything and i can’t see that i personally need distracting by it either. Ah well.
These signs worry me, i wonder if it is part of the dumbing down/ just plain dumb culture. There is another set on the route between us and my parents which are even worse. On a VERY bendy and notorious road, they’ve altered the black and white chevron signs to ones where the white bits are outlined in tiny white bulbs and each chevron lights up in sequence if you approach a bend too fast. Now this is all very laudable and probably cost a fortune in road safety studies, but whenever i go down the road (and i’m a very tootly drive as most people know!) i’m always struck by how much the remind me of waltzer rides at the fair; i immediately feel inclined to speed up to make them go off and shout “SCREEEEEAM if you want to go FASTER!!!!!!”
Anyway, got there and spent the nicest 24 hours in the old family home i’ve spent in ages; both my sister and brother were there so we also had the 6 little girls together. Some rather nice Baileys-alike and a late night later, we’d had a lovely time. My future brother-in-law has done me a copy of a da Vinci picture that i love (but can’t find on Google) that is supposedly his wife and which all my girls assumed was of me since they were tiny and Rowan also thinks is my sister. Can’t wait to get it 🙂
Back home last night through more fog and back to parcels AGAIN though good old Royal Mail seemed to have got them all there today – and now i’ve got to pop out on a few last minute buying missions 🙂
I loathe the orange flashy signs – think don’t drink and drive makes me want to add “you might spill it” and as for the ones that give out dire warnings about queues that existed hours ago but are long gone…
Yes and I think (*::Moany old git warning::*) the general standard of driving is getting worse – either because people have to/are allowed to think less, OR because they’re too busy reading all the flipping signs to concentrate on driving!
Gill, off to change her name to Victor Meldrew..
Yes and I think (*::Moany old git warning::*) the general standard of driving is getting worse – either because people have to/are allowed to think less, OR because they’re too busy reading all the flipping signs to concentrate on driving!
Gill, off to change her name to Victor Meldrew..
LOL clicked send twice cos it ignored me the 1st time
Just dropping by to wish you a Merry Christmas. May your day be filled with joy!
I hate those orange signs too – so pointless!
Are you getting my e-mails btw because I seem to be having problems – again!
Enjoy the festive Season, and may you be blessed in all you do. May 2007 bring the realisation of dreams, the birth of new ones, and plenty of fun along the way!
best wishes, from Ann & family