I’ve spoken to the next, highly embarrassed, manager up and you’ll no doubt be amused to know that Josie has been the subject of a complaint to the Postal Workers Union!!!!!!!
I’ve made it extremely clear that this has been handled ridiculously, that she is behaving normally and that they need to deal with it, not me. The manager agreed it all sounded ridiculous and out of hand, that all his children had gone through very naked phases and that they needed to get over themselves.
I also pointed out that i’m now concerned this is being handled backwards due to one of the men being known to be someone who looks inappropriately at children and that i want to know for definite that the issue isn’t in fact that i need to be protecting my daughter from them, nevermind protecting the driver from Josie.
I’m now off to write a note for my front door telling them to please stand with their back to the door while we put the parcels outside for them, if they have an issue with her.
No, it is completely NOT funny. If I didn’t think it would be more expensive I would be looking into taking my business elsewhere …
I’d take my business elsewhere *even* if it was more expensive.
I’m looking into it. :rant:
Well i’ve had 2 managers round this afternoon, all those drivers have been taken off the round, i’ve been assigned a single driver who is a family man and we’ve got an agreement that he won’t cross the doorstep.
I’m really pissed off about it all though; these drivers have apparently told their Union that i leave them alone in the front hall with her or they have to walk past her to get the post from the hall which is completely NOT true and that she approaches them; i hand it out to them and she stands behind me and you don’t have to know Josie very well to know she isn’t a child to launch herself at a stranger. AND they’ve been saying that it is all the kids walking around naked which is utter bollocks and has made me fume.
Un fortunately early indications are that another courier would be at least 3 times the cost, so it isn’t really an option.
Oh well, i was desperate to get shot of the grumpy one, so i’m glad he has gone but iff the other two had issues, i’m really sad about that and sorry to think they’ve thought ill of me, because i thought i had a good relationship with them.
This is all ridiculous. So, in an attempt to show solidarity of contempt for the Royal Mail’s actions in this case, I have decided not to post any Christmas cards this year.
At this late stage before Christmas I needed a better excuse than “I disapprove of Chirstmas card sending for environmental reasons”!
rofl – i might have to joion you in that!
this is truely ridiculous, but just goes to show you can’t trust even the mail-man you know I guess! Hope it all settles down for you and you’ve got it sorted now.