Which is much nicer than the title i could give it this morning of Rainy Days and Mondays 🙄 We’re going to be housebound today because Max has got the car; it was far too wet for me to condemn him to do that cycle in. it is absolutely hammering it down at the moment. Nevermind, i’m looking forward to another gentle crafty-story day.
The kids have all been enjoying the Playmobil Advent Calendars that i indulged them in; frankly though, i should have known better because there is no way i’ve got a hold of my control freak issues hard enough not to be ready to tear their eyes out every time they misplace a bit of it!!! 🙄 😆 They’ve Ds’d a lot again, mainly together playing multi-games, done bits of Fimo, Fran has read them lots of stories (and read lots herself too, mainly short history books of various sorts and quite a bit of The Faraway Tree). Fran wrapped presents, Maddy made herself a rather awesome cardboard market stall and drew all her wares on to it. She also wrote loads of stuff and did a rather impressive copy of the FIMO logo, including block writing and manufacturer. I was impressed anyway!
Quite a lot of yesterday was taken up with a mammoth overhaul by me of the top floor, shifting out rubbish, broken toys and stuff too young for Josie and rehoming the various bits of overly distributed things. Took a while but much better for it. Amelie and Josie rediscovered the Barbies midway through that and were joined by Maddy in a game that lasted way beyond bedtime: certainly beyond Fran’s anyway, she’d gone to sleep long before them!
BM was a good bit quieter this weekend and has definitely downshifted into smaller orders and less of them now. I could do with it staying busy this week both financially and emotionally really. Suddenly everything has got a bit on top of me again and i’m really not looking forward to this week 🙁 I know it shouldn’t affect me, but it is and i feel like i’ve got black clouds hovering at both my shoulders. Goodness, if i hadn’t seriously learned my lesson about being careful what i wished for, i’d be wishing for this year to be over.
Oh well, i’ve about finished shopping now, just a few tiny things to sort out and a few more painted bits to do whenever we manage a trip to TPP again this week. I’ve done loads from WAHM’s, so i’m pleased about that, we’ve made lots more, so i’m pleased about that and i’m not doing it all on the last shipping date, which is quite remarkable for me! I think everyone will be pleased with what they get too. Hurrah.
Last year we had a lego advent callender, bits everywhere getting lost *rolls eyes*….
Sounds very organised your end! I always to a toy clear out at christmas, its amazing what the kids rediscover