I’m supposed to be leaving for a playgroup bazaar in an hour and i’m far from ready so i’ll blog… but only briefly.
Lovely few days with The Porticos, i think we all had a really nice time. Amelie was full of even more confidence on her return and had clearly begun to assimilate a few extra siblings in her mind! Poor Alison arrived to find the house in uproar – a good 80 boxes of stock had just arrived that needed putting away and then 100 were waiting to go. I have to say she proved herself more than capable of a retail career and unboxed, organised and reboxed with a skill rarely seen in one new to a sellotape gun 😆 Dunno WHAT i’d have done without her, so thank you 🙂
Wednesday we took all the children out to That Painting Place and spent the entire afternoon there making presents for people. Most of my lot did 3 things each and i did some bits too and was most pleased with them! Can’t believe quite what we spent but it was fun. That even we had a nice (and extremely late/early) night but i avoided parcels and stopped short and just placing box orders! Kids played beautifully till late too.
Thursday i introduced the Porticos to Fimo 😈 and then they left! 😆
After that my lot chilled, they were shattered and barely moved from the sofa for the rest of the day while i started tidying up and yesterday wasn’t hugely different though Fran has done loads of computing and stuff and they all started on a pre-Xmas prune. We had visits from Kate and Aisha, so some playing happened too though.
Josie has been growing up; she has acquired Buttercup’s toddler bed and has slept in it twice. She was perfect the first night but wandered a bit last night, though not too much. She has also done her first poo on the toilet (worthy of blogging i feel!!!!) and christened the house by being the fist person to throw up in it, which i sincerely hope is not the start of a bug 🙁
Fran also stayed up till midnight last night reading. Now, WHO did she get that from??????? 😕
Love how you put your guests to ‘work’ ;0), very resourceful!!!
They love it 😉
Alison has just left here after helping to put up our Christmas tree that didn’t want to go up!
grin, damn she is good!
Glad Josie has taken to the bed 🙂 It’s really nice to think of her in it 🙂
Thanks for a lovely time, looking forward to seeing all our pottery bits and pieces.
I’ll take a photo tomorrow for posterity. last night she came down about 4 times just to get me so i would go and look at her in it again!