Yesterday was really lovely, just such a nice home ed day.
Started off, as i was more or less work free, with a first showing of The Sound of Music, which they loved, not surprisingly. I have all the songs going round my head over and over already! Fran is really enjoying the singalong bit to the dvd, which is rather good for her i expect.
While they were watching that and trilling along, we revisited the various topics in it such aas the geography of mountains and Switzerland, the occupation of Austria, Nazi’s, tied up that with a couple of other recent topics like Anne Frank, who we spoke about the other day and i taught them how to make paper snowflakes.
Lots of fun there; i’m sure it covers geometry for a start and we did loads of discussion on symmetry. And of course then there was domestic science in all the tidying up afterwards!
After that i broke open one of my huge blocks of white fimo and we made fimo snowflakes which prompted MORE discussion on the science and maths of those. I’d like to go back to that, but i’m pretty sure the point will stick anyway. Dusted them with silver powder and they looked so nice i showed them off at my party in the evening.
After that we used up the end of the packing maize to make igloos – the residue in the bottom made great snow!
This is mine and Fran’s; plenty of discussion on strong shapes, building through the ages and stuff there and a beginning of a tie in with our impending native American foray.
Maddy decided to do hers as a cut-away aka Usborne books, so here is the inside of an igloo.
This then turned into an archaeological find of an abandoned igloo where the eskimo in the background discovers the remains of the igloo and fireplace.
The person was worth a close-up – she really goes above the call of duty for detail with HappyMais!
In the evening i went out and did a party, leaving Max and Lucy to pack parcels. LOVED doing the party, such fun to be selling your own product lines and have real enthusiasm for it. Did quite well and came home to a busy evening and another day that rolled up into nearly £1K by the end. Might manage to pay everything yet! Huge delivery expected today and then about 80 parcels to pack. Gulp.
Off to the dentist shortly, then it is The Return of the Amelie with added Portico, which is being hugely anticipated!
You did a party? That’s so cool. I can imagine you being really really good at that. Did you give people chance to make stuff themselves?
We really need some Fimo inspiration books …
I wish they did some i could sell. I must make an Amazon page of them… will do it.
I LOVED doing the party actually; we’re doing a playgroup fair on Sunday and i’m looking forward to that too. Face to face selling is my favourite.
Oh and yes, i took beads, mais and fimo to play with and gave an angel lesson 🙂
The party sounds good :0) I can imagine those being really successful! Love the photos!!
Sounds like wonderful fun. Love the photos too.
Love the igloos and stuff, great fun for all by the look of it.
Used some of your bead merrily designs to make Christmas decs and displayed them on my new blog, can you just pop over and make sure I’ve credited you correctly – thanks!
Great thing to do!