Josie has loads of language available to her, i regularly forget she has only just turned 2. Makes me laugh though when she uses words that are actually 2 words pressed together and which reflect our life so well.
On being given food she will usually ask “What’s this milk-in?” She’s obviously taken AMelie’s intolerances on board.
“Where’s my socks-on?” I suppose “GET YOUR SOCKS ON!!!!!” is a sentence uttered a lot!
And this morning, playing with marbles by my feet at the moment “Mummy, look at my marble-cakes!” 😳
I love that!
A family favourite story is when my mother was describing a single mum whose daughter she had just become Godparent to and said “The baby lacks for nothing.” My sister (aged about 9!) asked “What’s a babylax?”. She’s always been on the lookout for a freebie!
LOL, so cute.