Despite how it felt, it wasn’t all parcels! (Although, i’ve just printed out my end of week report and i sent 182! 😯 )
Tuesday we had a visit from H and co – finally, the kids all seemed to relax with each other and we barely saw them as they were too busy hurtling about in witch outfits, playing gamecube and various other slightly insane pursuits. This did mean that h and i got lovely chatting time, aside from trying to stop the only boy in residence from flinging himself down the stairs. At some point Kate turned up (i measured her all round last night… 44 inches round at 31 weeks!) and we gossiped more. Josie chose this moment to choke; upended her quickly to see a geomag and ball fall out of her mouth so put her back down, only for her to carry on choking and beginning to turn blue 😯 Much back banging, fighting her as she frantically tried to cuddle me and eventually the full on heimlich manoeuvre (thank god i learned that at the age of 12) got the other geoball up that must have gone quite a long way down before it got stuck 🙁
I wouldn’t mind, but she was right in front of me; i’d mind even less if she’d learned from it but that evening i heard her going up the stairs with a mouth full of the balls! We’ve put them away for now; in a house of 4 kids and 3 floors, i really can’t risk her choking somewhere i can’t see her. When my brother was 9 months or so, he choked on a 1/2p piece and was blue and floopy when the 5 year old friend who was round dragged him into where my mum was. It was horrible and i’d rather be excused the experience!
As it was, all credit to the happy pills because my heartbeat didn’t even increase; i don’t think H or Kate could quite believe how unphased i was!
Tuesday ended up with me banning going to dancing because they had scattered al ltheir stuff, lost their hairbrushes and didn’t get ready despite being asked several times and frankly, i’m not going to spend my blood pressure on shrieking at them about it.
Wednesday was somewhat hampered by the whole late delivery thing but it didn’t seem to bother the girls; after a period of being very antzy with one another, they’ve rebonded lately and are playing beautifully. Lots of gamecube, some reading, some EdCity, lots of fimo-ing – they’ve got much better at just “getting on” with stuff.
In the afternoon we went out to That Painting Place. my 3 seem to respond pretty well to being “taught”, although Fran did get a bit stressed by trying to paint thin lines, but she did stick at it and imprive and all of them did nice mugs. Amelie’s was gorgeous, she has almost more patience than anyone else! I’m really looking forward to seeing it.
We’re giving swimming a miss for a bit, though i will try to take them on Sunday nights; i want to reorganise our week a bit and between now and Xmas, i could just use the break from the onslaught of evening rushing about. Maddy has requested more HE groups though, so i must investigate going to the eo group again. I’ve been such a hermit this year, i’m amazed anyone can remember who i am!
Thursday was good; we did a bit of a clear up then they spent a lot of the day doing Fimo, while i read to them. We read about Christopher Columbus and had the globe out so we could look at all the places; covered lots of geography including various seas and oceans, the Panama and Suez canals, Cuba and the Cuban Crisis, what a continent is, the difference between the Arctic and Antarctic and what to do if you ever happen to be stood on the Arctic on the day it melts (!!!) and of course the actual point of the story too. Linked up Ferdinand and Isabella with Katharine of Aragon, discussed some European History (luckily the subject of my A Level History, some of which i can even remember!) and talked about the disease exchange between Europeans and Natives, discussed the gold/no gold issue and a variety of shipping terms and ideas (back to mapping there!). Finished it in 2 days, since this was pretty much Fridays educational doodah too and the kids really liked it. Decided that as we’d done quite a few famous people/explorers this year we’d keep on with that and do some on the Sonlight American core i bought (in our own way, of course!)
Thursday also meant a family trip to Fran’s Brownie show which was erm.. exquisite torture. Lots of embarrassed dancing in the first half, but then a rather lovely campfire singing session as the second half. Fran does seem a bit lost there at times, but did love the campfire stuff, especially when Josie decided that she wasn’t going to be left out and went and plonked herself on Frans lap. That wasn’t so bad, but towards then end she decided to pretend to be a dog and started crawling around doing big puppy eyes and licking knees 😳 By that time though, i’d given up trying to control her as she already made Max and i roll our eyes at each other by shrieking “I finished that side mummy.. i want other side boob!!!!” for all to hear!!!
I am thinking of geting involved with Brownes though, when Maddym oves up, because then the timing will be better and i can leave the little ones with Max. I’d like to be a brown Owl one day i think 🙂
And i’ll leave you with this comment from Fran…
“I like the way you home educate us mummy, but when i home educate my children, i’m going to teach them to read when they are little and then just give them loads of history books and let them have quiet time to read them every day.”
🙄 :wall: 🙄 :wall: 🙄 :wall: 🙄 :wall: 🙄 :wall: 🙄 :wall: 🙄 :wall: 🙄 :wall:
Amanda says
lol @ Fran’s comment ! :0)
Alison says
Lol? I think I would have had to bang my head on the wall IRL! How about you print out a few months’ worth of blogposts about her reading, hand them to her, and suggest she have some quiet time with them 😉
Week sounds good – full-on, but you sound much happier with the way business and learning are being combined 🙂
Sarah says
I’m laughing at Josie’s brownie show performance, personally – but that comment from Fran is a classic!
Nic says
Argh to Josie and the geomags and 🙄 at the comment from Fran.
Oh and you need to take your twinkle pop award down in time to get it up again for this year…
merry says
Ah yes, i need to do that, i was sent a twinkle request only last week!
Carol says
ROFL at Josie and Fran. :o)
merry says
OMG! It starts! Fran must have read my blog this morning and has demanded that i remove the highly embarrassing end paragraph and publish it privately only!!!!!
site admin says
I’m negotiating 😉
Liza says
lol at fran are you going to remove it? andrew has to approve photos before i post them on our blog and has been reading the blog since we started it.
yikes at the geomag, they like to choke on things and scare us dont they!
merry says
We’ve re-negotiated. I’m allowed to put things in so long as i don’t use so many head bangers in future!
Dimitra says
Hah! I’d say Fran has a point about the head bangers. Anyway, perhaps what we should deduct from her statement is how much she likes history rather than how she would have liked to have learned to read earlier? A much more positive view in any case…
Dimitra says
Hah! I’d say Fran has a point about the head bangers. Anyway, perhaps what we should deduct from her statement is how much she likes history rather than how she would have liked to have learned to read earlier? A much more positive view in any case…