Tomorrow. 1pm. Prime your children for winter mug painting… £8.50 a head.
Be there or… be more relaxed at home eating jaffa cakes.
Tomorrow. 1pm. Prime your children for winter mug painting… £8.50 a head.
Be there or… be more relaxed at home eating jaffa cakes.
tammy says
we won’t be able to come sadly as we will be in full thanksgiving prep mode-lots of cooking and cleaning in prep for tomorrow. have lots of fun.
Alison says
I don’t like jaffa cakes …. does this mean I have to come to Peterborough? 😉
HelenHaricot says
thats a shame, I would have liked to see you – either of you in fact though tbh, was considering tammy a more likely option!
merry says
Yes. Quick, you need to leave in 15 minutes!
Tammy 🙁 We MUST get together!
hannah says
will be there. Have remembered to print some clip art.
Can hardly wait to contain and entertain 2 toddlers in a room full of breakables.
tammy says
how about next wednesday?
merry says
29th? Well, according to my diary – yes! *she says, hoping she hasn’t just failed to write anything down*
tammy says
yeah! fingers crossed that the universe smiles on us and cars don’t break down and little boys aren’t sick!
Carol says
Hmmmm, not sure i’d make it in time. 🙁