You get a blog! I can’t actually cope; i’ve looked at it all carefully and i can’t quite believe what has happened and therefore i think i might just ignore it. 38 orders (and 8 ebay ones) in one day. Mindblowing. I took well over £1000; i only took £1600 in the whole of last December!
So anyway; here are my daughters in “Little House on the Showground” mode…
and here is what we did today.
One HappyMais Tropical Island…
A first try; both girls drew it the opposite way to how it actually was, so then we added compasses to it all and figured out that none of it was very helpful. So we had another go, including a bit of conversation on how to accurately copy shapes and then fibnally Fran and i worked on using a ruler and grid to produce a reasonably well scaled version.
Personally, i love Maddy’s boatman with fish head popping up from the water.
Actually what the kids mostly did today was rehearse and eventually perform a song from The Little mermaid. Maddy was Sebastian (rather wonderfully), Amelie was Ariel and Fran was an add on Mermaid/prompter. they put loads of effort into it and the set, really got Amelie and Josie involved and did a great job. In fact, if i can figure out YouTube, i might try a video tomorrow.
They also did some rather cute Fimo models and um… gosh, no idea. But they were busy all day and eventually all fell asleep on the floor in a fleece tent.
Okay, back to the parcels then!
oh, that island’s brilliant!
(not to mention the day’s takings, also brilliant!!)
what a fantastic island!!! congrats on bm, you must be thrilled at the way things are booming. do you still do fun blox, I looked for them on the site but couldn’t find them.
Tammy, no. The supplier i used disappeared 🙁
Watch this space … you’ll be Businesswoman of the Year soon!
what can you recommend for a 1 yr old-can’t think what to get my god daughter.
Oooh – go and look in the wooden toy section 🙂 LOVELY things 🙂
shame about the fun blox. glad we bought!
See, the things is, you say “You should get a blog” and then you go on to blog about a fantastic island you all made and mapping activities and operatic performances AND you managed to do all their hair nice and tidy. Just accomplishing one of those would make our day a success and we dont have a business to run at the same time.
Hmmmm… when was the last time you saw anything meaningful about HE on here though!
That was all meaningful from my point of view. Design and Technology (how to build the island), Geography (what is an island), Science (life an island can support), Mathematical concepts (mapping to scale) and event management leading to a successful performance. All extensively covered in just one day. What more are you expecting from yourself??????
ROFL – well, yes, except we made the model a week ago!
And on that, how does one set up a blog anyway? Is there a website I can go to that tells me how? We have spare webspace we don’t do anything with and apparently I can use that – but how? Not that I’m committing or anything – just exploring options. 🙂