I have just seen a goal fulfilled that i’ve had as a benchmark aim since the day Jax put my shop live, just under 2 years ago. I just filled an entire order summary page in the admin section with orders from one day – i’ve had 20 orders through the site today. I am SO chuffed!!!!!!!!!!!
Hurrah for special offers!!!!! Hurrah for Christmas! Hurrah for retail!!!!!!
was that two years ago? Wow.
The OSC bit was, nearly. i think i might still be waiting for you to invoice me 😉
And still a few shopping hours to go!
omg, 6 more orders in the next hour and a half and i’ve done 40!!!!!
If I didn’t have a squillion beads already I might have been tempted to tip you over the page my dear xxx
Couldn’t resist! Just been chatting to my dh (accountant) about your business and he was very impressed. “Didn’t realise there was any money in beads” were his exact words, lol.
Wow, thats great news. Finally realising your dream is good.
But JennyV, couldn’t your dh recognise a fellow bead-counter in Merry? ;-).
Well done Merry – hope the computer / brain doesn’t over-heat.