Urgh. I can’t believe i’ve just finished packing parcels. I think i might leave and come back after Christmas; when am i going to find time to sleep?
Ah well, yesterday i spent trying to master 1 section of Quickbooks (hahahahahahahahahaha 🙄 ) and putting my stock into it. Obviously this meant i then indulged in a 5 point plan of updating photos, stock counts, seo tags, and something else i can’t now remember 😆 Anyway, if Google doesn’t get me above sodding you know who after that, i shall march down there and give them a piece of my mind. Kids didn’t require input as they spent all day playing Playmobil. Max and i even got an hour of complete solitary kid free time while Josie napped, which was lovely!
Today has mostly involved more Playmobil and then a visit from J,J and their 3 (of the Buttercup lookalike family) so we’;ve had a good old gossip with them and Jennie and i caught up on each other a bit, which was sorely needed. And consequently i’m feeling mildly weepy, but really i’m fine. And anyway, i don’t have time not to be and i’m convinced if i can just manage not to think AT ALL between now and Christmas, then i’ll be alright again.
I’ve just started my Xmas shopping. Impressed? 😆
oh a WHOLE HOUR of kid free time, bliss!, lol. Playmobile is popular here too!
impressed? im nearly finished mine!!
(ok im shocked at meself as i always leave it till the last minute but am trying to be more organised this year!!)
Lol – yes, but i normally do mine the week before. I’m not known for my forward planning!