The map!
Yes well, “Talking Backpack” is very infectious 🙄
Sunday night i did all my parcelling so i wouldn’t start the week stressed out; there were only 27 (only!) so it was easy. I’ve got stuff on ebay and Amazon (mainly due to Lucy’s hardwork) and that ups the parcel count comfortably but the purchases are nice easy ones because i only list boxed kits. I particularly like those parcels 🙂 Then i got woken up at 5.30am by this irritating cough and a fairly weird dream, so got up and did a bit more work and when the Benylin kicked in i went back to sleep. (Which meant i was still reheating my 7am cup of tea at 12pm 🙄 )
However, Fran and Amelie kicked off the day nicely by telling me all about Granny’s fruit bowl-satuma-globe solar system demo yesterday, then Fran announced she was going to learn about Atlases and went off and found several of them, which she proceeded to study rather diligently. One was an Usborne one, so we used quicklinks for a while and found ourselves looking at terrains, cloud formations, weather effects, pollution, cityscapes and discussing remote technology and satellites. She diligently wrote (i offered blog, she wanted to write!) out the bits that seemed important to her while Maddy listened in and started on ETC3 (her choice, she is very determined about this reading… i do love ETC, it is so perfect for her.) Amelie and Josie were upstairs playing on Dora websites and games or messing about with the kitchen toys – they had a lovely time. i think Amelie played out the entire maths level for Recpetion on EC too and appeared to get it all right!
While Josie slept we spent ages reading “Maps and Globes” and covered latitude, longditude, meridians, Greenwich Mean Time, a variety of explorers, distortion on flat maps, maps through history, Romans, contour lines, sea level etc etc etc and we started to look at types of map by colouring a UK map in with political boundaries. Then i went off to answer the phone and when i came back Fran was reading “A Street Through Time” to them and getting them really involved with it, so i left them too it while i unpacked FIMO and looked ruefully at my ravaged stockroom.
A Vertbaudet delivery arrived during this time with these shoes in blue for Maddy and purple for Fran (yes, yes, i know, the colours are SUCH a surprise!), these tops for Maddy and an armful of the small price trousers and tops for Fran; her pretty tops are delayed, typically. Such excitement was caused that they all then retired for an afternoon of clothes changing while playing at being the Famous Five 😆 until they eventually conked out watching Pinocchio.
Days like today make me remeber why i HE… and i think Nic and i really must be twins, given we’ve written matching posts again!
what were you saying about HE being ‘flat’ in your house? That all sounds pretty inspired to me – well done to the girls and to you for the facilitation 🙂
I echo what Sarah says. An incredibly productive day by the sounds of it. I want to be educated at your house 😉
sounds good (except teh b it about waking up early with a cough)
Hope the autumn blues are put well and truely to bed!
Your older ones might like to play with Terragen if they’re OK with contours etc.
V. nice results quite easily! Sounds like you had an interesting and educational day.