Too busy to blog again, fortunately the mix of time has been better this week and i’ve often been busy with children, in nice ways 🙂 OTOH, BM has had a very busy week, culminating yesterday in my busiest ever day, both in number and total of orders. The FIMO is catching on now and lots of orders include it, which pleases me as i haven’t had to advertise it yet, nor wanted to as i wanted to get the Classic in first, which arrived yesterday and made me smile because the colours are such old friends 🙂 This week i
‘ve also relearned image directory making and put up a set of patterns made by a customer.
However, main events have been the kids continuing interest in the “damaged planet” theme, meaning that the timetable never got started!!! Tuesday (or Wednesday?” Fran did a unit on “Alternative Energy” and the next she looked at some endangered animal stuff. Maddy has been studying books furiously, doing some non-verbal reasoning pages and modelling. Amelie has also modelled loads and is improving dramatically at people, most of which are in a box to be sent to Buttercup 😆
Everyone has done loads of maths and reading stuff, lots of Illustration Friday drawing, HappyMais, FIMO, Hama Beads – everything on tap really. We’ve read together and apart and today we’ve been out to Hill Farm to buy pumpkins and then on to Sacrewell Farm for a mooch. An expensive mooch tbh, and my children were deeply whingy, so since gettnig home i’ve made them sit down and watch a film and consume calories. We went with Kate (completely huge!) and S to both farms and had time for a gossip and Kate said she thought it was noticable that all the girls seemed to be working down to Josie’s current querulous tone (ear infection, not enough fresh air and mummy milk). Kate said it reminded her of when a skater learns a new jump, starting off very slowly while they get it. First the skater slows down all their other jumps too, as if they get put on slow play for everything not just the new one, then everyone in the rink catches the infection and slows down too!
So all my children are talking to me like they are irritated toddlers; just delightful, i’m sure you’ll agree :wall:
Fran is heavily into GameCube Harvest Moon, currently trying to woo a girl with a blue feather. Not sure of the skills being acquired, but there must be some.
Harvest moon is Z favourite. :0)
you know, some days, just briefly I’m sorta glad there’s only one child in this household…. I really don’t know how I would cope with 4 “toddlers” at once!
Sounds like a good day, glad BM is going well and the girls are doing heaps of productive stuff. KWYM about four whingy toddlers, I sent my lot outside alot today cos id had enough.