Monday – Current interest topic
Tuesday – Living history topic (use darned shelf full of Sonlight)
Wednesday – start some nature study
Thursday – art, artists, music, musicians
Friday – geography
Monday – science (aim to do more theoretical stuff as practical will be done at weekend)
Tuesday – religion/geography/history combo (SOTW)
Wednesday – random topics of interest
Thursday -practical art
Friday – languages/geography type topics
Normals in mornings and get a bit more organised.
Fran 4 out of Maths, English, French, Music, planned reading/narration.
Maddy 3 out of same.
Amelie 2 out of same.
Can’t believe it has come to this; obviously it won’t last, but it might give me something to work at.
lol – I like the ‘random topics of interest’ day, myself!
Interesting though, i was wondering about doing this sort of thing (at least in my head) with Joe … but it might not ever get further than my head!
wow, sounds organised! Hope it works out.
“Can’t believe it has come to this”
Even I have come to it Merry.
Me who cannot organise a pot rota has three curriculums on the go for 6 kids, complete with timetables. I will never say never again.
erm, there is something in the air or maybe great minds ;0) plan a :school plan b: buy a curriculum & sort out a timetable…
LOL, I have a topic per afternoon too, but it only happens if we aren’t going out somewhere and nothing more interesting happens. Nice to have a subject area to fall back on when nothing seems to come together by itself though, and it means we do actually do some science or whatever sometimes. I’m intrigued by the music coming under normals – practicing an instrument or something else? And what does planned reading/narration involve?
Totally off topic but are NaNo-ing again this year?
“Can’t believe it has come to thisâ€
Definitely something in the air. Seems to be working for us though, maybe a timetable’s not so bad when used in a relaxed way.