Oh bother, days and days go by again. Nevermind, got some decently educational blogging to do this time, though no doubt i won’t remember half of it.
We’ve had a very peaceful, 3 day family weekend, family weekends being mainly our thing. Max isn’t a great weekend socialiser and i would be normally but i’ve been a touch on the social-agrophobic side this year. Particularly so this weekend, when i actually couldn’t face leaving the house, which i found a bit unnerving, but it eventually resolved itself as a long overdue attack of PMT, so at least now i know why i’ve been miserable. I do like my coil in lots of ways (as in not having to worry about accidentally getting pregnant) but i’m oddly uncomfortable with not having a proper 28 day cycle anymore. This is the ifrst time since July i think and it is a bit freaky.
Anyway, Saturday we lazed around playing Animal Crossing and collecting acorns for the last 2 days of the “Mush room” festival. Had limited success explaining the benefits of co-operative play to the children (as in, go and nick Amelie’s because she won’t notice but only give Cornimer as many as you need to reach the next target because if you give him a few over it won’t help you and it will waste acorns someone else could use) so eventually took them to a hacked town via wifi so they could just collect as many acorns as they wanted, plus as many other hard to find items too! Oh well, it’s only a game 😆
Max kindly took it upon himself to entertain the children while i hid in my office trying to infiltrate a new gang and decided to teach them about area and volume. Naturally the obvious place to start this was trying to work out how many 1cm cubes you’d need to fill the house (!) but they seemed to manage the maths easily. Much fun had with metal tape measure until we found them trying to skip with it 🙄 Hats off to him though for tackling something i’ve been avoiding getting into, they all had lots of fun with him.
Sunday i remained hidden in my office, behind my ds screen or folding washing and Max managed to spend most of the day on Bamzookie from the cbbc with the big three and often Josie as well. They had an absolute ball with the programme, designing and competing animated robotty things – Max was enthralled and designed one that evening as well (which was RUBBISH! the girls did far better!)
Fran got quote of the day award for her contribution to a very indepth conversation at dinner about evolution, creation stories, allegory in narnia and likely truth by saying, in answer to being asked how she thought the world began,
Fran“i think it was probably lots of rocks and dust in space that gradually clumped together into a ball and made the earth”
US *impressed* “how do you come to think that?”
Fran *shrugs* “Oh, it was just a guess….”
ROFL – such a funny girl.
Actually on the subject of Fran, she is morphing; her face is changing, her teeth shapes are changing (for the better actually, though it isn’t doing her speech any good!), she has grown about 2 inches i think all of a sudden and she has put on 3lbs, none of which appears to have attached itself to her in anything other than bone! I had to buy her new clothes this week in her own age size – 8-9s, size 1 1/2 shoes and the full shebang. She’s going for some full on attitude at times too, stamping, door slamming and wailing. Great! 🙄
Best bit of yesterday for me was doing another FIMO workshop with the big 3 girls. We used a Dora Lego figure as a model and copied her, wrapping old FIMO in new to make shapes that weren’t solid “good clay” all through, shaping and marking, inserting arms, shaping hands, making proper eyes and building things like legs that would be steady. The results for all three of them were excellent and it was lovely to have time doing it together.
I would take a photo only YET AGAIN i have lost 1/3 of the camera charging lead. It is a RUBBISH CAMERA CHARGER. ARGH. So does anyone know if i can get a simple plug in thing that will charge a battery pack for a fuji camera that isn’t the fuji’s own £40 one?
Today i was a good bit better so we went out for a walk, which solved the “all children have had their volume button turned up and then pulled off” problem and got us all some fresh air and a 5 mile walk/ride. Kids did really well and i managed not to lamp the man who walked passed and asked me if i was trying for a 5-a-side football team (ahahahahahah… so funny….) Josie said “mummy, what is that animal?” while pointing at a cow, which i thought pretty good and also fell head first into a very sticky puddle 🙄
The weather was lovely, i do adore Autumn, it is cool but nice, beautiful colours, pleasant to be out in and has the benefit of not being in April, therefore not reducing me to tears. Today we talked about the conker parasite and how few conkers there were and how shocking it was to see that all the conker trees had long since gone brown and lost their leaves 🙁 pondered if the extra daddylonglegges, lack of wasps and conker parasite were connected, looked at cuckoospit and yew berries, mushrooms and acorns, horse chestnuts and mould on squashed up berries. It was lovely, i came over all “Knitting Yoghurt-ish” 😉 Must make more use of that walk.
Home again to more snuggles and chats, more Bamzookie (or whatever it is), a film, some work, some tidying and a lovely chicken casserole cooked in our brand new slow cooker. Hurrah.
that was a good read! Nice to see things are generally much better now for you and you can see why when you have a bad day.
Oh, and slow cookers are fab!
Autumn is lovley :0)
You should be able to get a generic charge for your camera – have a look on ebay and I’ll try and dig out some links for you too.
Love my slow cooker too – and chicken casserole in it is just yummy.
Obviously blogging about it means i have just found it in the bottom of a box of orange beads!
LMAO! Where else would it be? 😆 Your house sounds so much like mine sometimes! I should have a special box just for leads here as we are always losing leads/chargers. 🙂
Re the comments, I get fed up with he 5 aside crack too and the ‘have you ever thought about buying a TV’ one too, I just smile sweetly and say ‘ooh I haven’t heard that one before’ in my most polite manner.
Need photos now then!
Merry, I am sure my Fujic camera charger has only two parts – or is the transformer bit separate to the leads running to the wall and the camera?? There are various chargers (ones that charger a load of different sorts of batteries) to be had on ebay. They are round a tenner delivered from HK.
And, as an aside, WordPress allows you to post private posts which you can see and no one else. It’s a better way of making posts that only you want to see than publishing a passworded post with no password. Just a thought.
And I *might* have a spare fuji charger that would work. Will check when I get home.
I can’t deal with the private thing, i don’t trust that it really is private. That one has been sat in draft for a few days and might pop up at some point and if it doesn’t, having it there passworded reminds me to go back and look at it at some point.
Thank you for camera charger offers – anything less stressful than the divvy one i have would be good!
I really don’t see the point in putting something obviously private, that you say you don’t want to share, on a widely-read public blog. Doesn’t it just invite “oh, I hope you’re ok, and could I possibly have the password?” type emails? I’m sure most people do assume that you have the occasional private thought – you are allowed to, you know 😉
And this isn’t a “you should do X because I do” comment, it’s a genuinely-interested, I-don’t-understand, do-explain-if-you-can comment.
Well, it’s there because it might become public, but at the moment it isn’t public, because i don’t have anywhere else to put it, because i don’t want to use the private function because it makes me uncomfortable, because i don’t want to have hunt through posts for private posts i made ages ago, because it is relevant to the chronology of my life, because i don’t want to forget it is there and because maybe it is for someone else entirely, like oh.. Max, or someone, who would read it on my blog once the password was in on our computer without particularly clicking that it had been passworded and so hear what needed to be heard without having to be told.
It’s there because i said i was going back to using my one blog for all my needs and when i explained why, i said that sometimes there would be passworded posts for myself that i wouldn’t being giving out the password to and to just ignore them. Its there because i said i was tired of dealing with blog-dynamics and i was just going to do it as i wished. There is a point as to why it is there, but it just doesn’t happen to be relevant to 98% of the people who read the blog; that doesn’t mean it doesn’t need to be there, or that it isn’t relevant to me, or important.
When i said i don’t blog in code, i mean it. I’m not blogging in code, there is no hidden agenda to that post, it isn’t relevant to anyone outside this house, or anything that has happened today, this weekend or will happen tomorrow. It’s just there.
I know that sounds abrupt and i appreciate the “genuinely interested” paragraph, but i’m in much to foul a temper with the world to apologise for myself. I’m sick of apologising for myself and i’m not going to anymore.
Well my second fuji camera actually takes real batteries, it turns out, so doesn’t have a charger at all, duh.
Real batteries! How common!!! 😉
Thank you for looking, i appreciate it.
not in anyway to comment, but when I do a private post, I also protect it, just incase it becomes visible!! Never has yet.
however, as you said, it depends upon the intention of the post. My private ones are just for me, and although Chris can read them, they aren’t aimed at him, or even the future children reading.
Merry, I wasn’t expecting you to “apologise for yourself”! I was trying to have one of those things … what are they called … conversations? 😉