Oh dear. Another catch-up. Just as well it hasn’t been a fantastically educational few days, but in terms of life experiences, everyone has had a varied few days anyway.
Wednesday – Nic and co arrived. We had a superb time with them all, for the 48 hours they were here; kids all got on excellently, which was pleasing as they aren’t particularly kids who know each other well. No Buttercup/Amelie-esque pairing up with Teeny and Amelie, but amiable all the same and Monster fitted in well with our big two. Added Beans on Wednesday involved a lot of raucous behaviour but it seemed to work well. Grown-ups were, as you’ve seen, kept busy with Fimo 🙂
Contrary to normal, the shop went wild while Nic was here and i had over £600 worth of sales in 36 hours, but the minute she left, so did they. I hereby name her “Nic the Retail Fortune Fairy” – and beg her to come again soon. It’s been deathly quiet since she left and the spenders are only just beginning to return. Woe is me 🙄
Friday was largely a washout, with exhausted children and a house and busienss that needed hauling back from the brink. So Lucy and I did that and the kids recovered with films, books and Yoga. By the time we were straight again (and i hasten to add that the Nic-and-Ady-Roadshow not only fixed up the downstairs but also cooked on Thursday night so it was far from their fault!) it was time to take Fran off to Brownie Camp. Rather conveniently it is now less than 10 minutes from us, so that was quick and easy and the addition of her best friend this year meant she was raring to go and has had a ball. Didn’t need to worry about her at all this year, not that i did particularly last year, but this year she seemed so much bigger and more confident.
Saturday saw Amelie going off with my Dad for a night with my parents; she too had a ball and has clearly been spoilt rotten with trips to watch aeroplanes land, models to build and general “stuff number 3 doesn’t get enough of” attention. Maddy and i headed off to Tesco where we availed ourselves of their scrapbooking supplies as Maddy desperately wanted to make a photo album of herself and i thoguht the arty side of it would appeal to her. Max took Josie off to to Melton to meet his dad for lunch and she and i spent a happy few hours matching papers and embellishments, cutting, sticking and designing. She’s done a great job, i’m really proud of her.
Today was the day of the audition. She didn’t get a part and i’m not really surprised; there were a good couple of hundred kids, most of them a good bit bigger and clearly quite used to auditions and according to Maddy, it was all dancing and no singing, so she was never going to be up to following what they wanted of her in such a short time. I had to leave her for 2 hours and i saw her chin go down as she went in, so i suspect she was pretty overwhelmed. She’s been very chilled about it, she didn’t cry and was easily cheered up with a Rainbow Fairy Dress Up Doll book. i think it was a great experience for her and i’m probably relieved she didn’t get in, but i hope it doesn’t knock her confidence in her abilities too much, as she has just started to feel quite brave about performing. Ah well, life lessons 🙂
I’ve gathered everyone back in now; the square root of 4 daughters makes much less than half the noise and work i’ve found. Goodness, a 2 year old and a 6 year old would be a piece of cake! Admittedly we got the 2 low maintenence & quiet ones left with us, but really, it has given me an appreciation of why i never feel like i give everyone enough time or attention. There isn’t enough TIME to give everyone enough time!
I’ve reallt enjoyed it though, i think i’ll have to try and organise more single or duo trips up to the grandparents so we can lavish the remaining ones a bit more. i feel like a far better parent this evening than i have in a while.
Sorry Maddy didn’t get a part but it sounds like she dealt with it well and it’s all good experience I guess.
I have been known to have my fortune bringing effect to Ali’s house too but I can think of at least two sets of friends I tend to cost money 😉 😆
Shame she missed out but seems to have coped with the outcome really well.
Sounds like everyone had had a great time. We find that the occasional trips with single or pairs of children seems to make everyone feel better.
Lol… Nic, i really think you need to concentrate on getting that skill to focus down on your own abode – you are clearly to giving with your money-making vibes 🙂
glad Maddy has taken it in her stride – probably one of the most important parts of an acting/ dancing skill set 😉
sounds like a fun few days.
Oh no Merry, you’ve not drained Nic of all her ‘spirit of enterprise’ money-bringing magic, I hope? I need her for the rest of the month.
Sounds like a good few days and I hope Maddy can put that audition down to experience and feel able to have another go another time if she wants to.
nah – she must have had some left in her when she left, because the sales were still going strong till the minute she walked out the door!
Well I think the secret is it doesn’t involve any effort on my part – simply sitting around drinking tea is pretty easy work but unlikely to cut it in bringing cash into my own home – although I could try and take credit for Ady’s salary on that basis maybe? 😆
Perhaps I should float around in Guru stylee visiting self employed WFH friends wafting my aura around and taking a cut of any business coming in while on the premises? I bring with me the vibes of capitalism! 😆
I’m sure people charge handsomely for not a great deal more 😉