I hate capital I’s; they involve a shift button. And i’m here to announce to the world that i will use i and i don’t care and there isn’t time in my life for the shift button.
And not even Nic thinking it isn’t acceptable is going to change me.
I don’t CARE!!!!!!
HelenHaricot says
rofl, but you used it at the end! I’m notorious at work for not capitlising – I say I’m a socialist. [and yes, I;ve done them all on your blog!]
merry says
But you don’t, apparently, know where your apostrophe is anymore 😉
Claire says
Okaayyy – did someone offend you today?
Sarah says
I only don’t do them if I miss the shift key accidentally – and then if I notice I usually go back and correct them. (I’m with Nic on this one, sorry!)
Pressing shift doesn’t take any longer, you just do it with your little finger on the left hand at the same time as you press i with the third finger of your right hand 😉
But hey, I’ll still read whether you’re i or I 😉
merry says
Giggle – no (and i don’t touch type so it IS harder!) – Nic was accusing me of having low self image because i didn’t refer to myself with a capital I. She made me defend my stance publically and admit to sheer grammatical laziness 😉
elderfaery says
i am with you there Merry….I think it is okay to alternate..I often have to go back over stuff and capitalise my i’s..it’s a bore..is very ee cummings and stylish to do the i in lower case i reckon…also is bit like that nu agey thing where they make you write with your left hand (if you are right handed) to ‘connect’ with parts of you squashed out by system;)
Alison says
Well, I’ve done plenty of typing with the wrong hand when bfing, and it dind’t help me connect anywhere, just annoyed me as it’s so slow!
Alison says
And anyway, I thought you weren’t going to care what people thought you should and shouldn’t do any more? 😉 (I was about to say that you should tell her to piss off, but then *I’d* be telling you what to do, lol! It’s a minefield …)
Alison says
Although public opinion did manage to get Nic using paragraphs, so …
Debbie says
Nic says
Oh she did tell me to piss off – and she has no intention of changing but now they will be conscious i’s 😆
And I think laziness is a far more acceptable reason than ‘connecting’ actually 😉
Amanda says
I had’nt noticed, “I” or “i” I’m not going to tell you what to do just incase you tell me to piss off too..:0)
t-bird says
It’s random caps, punctuation AND spelling here…. I did get a serious talking to a while ago becuase my name on Yahoo had a lower case letter, aparently it said all sorts of things about me…. I had to point out it was a typo and I had no idea how to put it right (which does indeed say things about me!!!)
Stella says
Does anyone know *why* it’s I and not i anyway? Why is it me not Me? Or we not We?
There must be a reason…