Ooops – a few days seem to have gone past 😳
Right… Thursday. Was always going to be a bit of a nightmare day with a huge number of things involved. Managed to work really early and then give the children decent time first thing, so in fact everyone got plenty of normals done; Fran did the fractions section, Maddy did more ETC2 and maths, Amelie did lots of fabulous drawings (she’s suddenly developed the detailed and neat style that Maddy draws in, which is fascinating as i wasn’t expecting that at all) everyone used EC a good bit and we had some interesting conversations. I got a neat little pair of speakers for my iPod and we put Narnia stories on in the background and everyone Fimo-ed.
The hairdresser arrived to give everyone a trim and reduce me to something human looking again. So we’re all neat and tidy, which is a pleasant relief! I really like my hairdresser, and i love that i can get everyone done here for £30. And she left with quite a lot of Fimo and Hama (so my work there is done!) Actually, i’m starting to feel mildly embarrassed that people rarely leave here without purchasing 😳 Nic, please break the trend 😉
Kate had come over too and done some drawing/modelling with the kids and they’d all done some Yoga, so it felt like a fairly productive morning. But then it all got silly as i had a dentist appointment, the laptop had a doctors appointment and the kids had to go to a Brownie’s Activity World event all at the same time. Took some work 🙄
Dentist did a ridiculous job of filling my tooth; half the filling lasted less than an hour and the rest dropped out to the floor while i was talking on friday. REALLY annoyed as when i went for the check up earlier in the week, he just wrenched the cracked back half of my tooth off my gum without even telling me – given the cock-up he has now made of it, i think he should have left it and tried to fill round it. GROWL.
Anyway, we got home and the Rainedrops arrived and mayhem was unleased until bedtime! (At about eleven thirty!)
Friday would have been peaceful but for the 9 boxes of beads that arrived, which Barbara kindly helped me put away 😆 The kids were utterly absorbed in each other, Josie and Rachael seemed to like each other, Fran and Beth barely left each others side and Fimo-ed and played in the rain and i think i saw Maddy, Amelie and Ben for lunch and that was it! All very nice. They were exhausted enough to be asleep by 8.30 though!
Saturday saw us sending them off (with Fimo!) and then i slept rather a lot, went for a bike ride and eventually realised i have cystitis. Humph.
However, just a lovely few days – i do enjoy having visitors here, it feels so easy and relaxing. More people come please 🙂
Debbie says
Cranberry juice in case you didnt know 😉
t-bird says
sympathies on the cystitis, hope it clears soon (don’t leave it a week like I did now will you…..)
Oh, and I have a suggestion for a product you *need* to sell – something like a set of drawers to stow Hama Beads in, we desperately need something here!!!
Chris F says
flat, shallow clear plastic containers from the takeaway across the road – just right for Hama beads – stack well, fit in drawers and whne opened you can find the bead you want easily.