I’m just trying to make some business cards… what am i? MD is ridiculous, sole trader sounds to silly, chief cook and bottle washer is more like it but lacking in status… so i’m… what?
I’m just trying to make some business cards… what am i? MD is ridiculous, sole trader sounds to silly, chief cook and bottle washer is more like it but lacking in status… so i’m… what?
As a sole trader you’re “supposed” to have Proprietor on them – that’s what I have anyway. MD and D would only be for Ltd cos.
that was the word i was looking for! thanks!
get 2 sets made? One with proprieter on them and one with “chef, mediator, nutritionalist, educational specialist and domestic Goddess” on them 😉
Oh, this is just asking for some of
these cards from Moo>, with Hama images on the back.
I agree with chris, cos they are just too good not too!
free delivery until end of month, and cheap!
Oh, C was telling me about them the other night – he’s ordered a set of the free ones.
Is anyone doing Flickr Christmas cards yet?
Still waiting for the freebies to be delivered so can’t say what the quality is like but it looks pretty good. I am not sure how constrained you are with what text you can put on them but I think there was some constraint.
Flickr Christmas cards – ooh not seen them. We get the costco ones – a tenner for 40 🙂
A tenner for 40 – i’m sure somewhere can do better than that Nic- this years thrift challenge for you is to find the 40 cheapest Christmas cards in the UK 😉
Make them 🙂
Get Davies to draw a picture, you print it and stick it on card. We have been doing this for years (Boo draws it most years!).
yeah might do, although at 25 p each I bet buying card and envelopes and printing wouldn’t work out much cheaper.
I think Nic’s 40 for a tenner is of particularly twee photos of S&D on some suitably disgusting Christmas background rather than just cards. 40 for a tenner of those is probably hard to beat.
Obviously we treasure them each year!
I couldn’t bring myself not to send one to you really, it would ruin the collage in your loo of D&S through the Christmas ages if you didn’t get one 😆 I must dig out one of the first year we had to complete your collection actually!
Don’t bother Nic, ran out of loo paper the other day and you can guess the rest.
chief executive.
Joyce, doesn’t that rather imply i get paid a lot but don’t do anything? 😉