I spent with Josie and Fran, while Max took the middle two motor-racing. We’ve had a very pleasant day indeed, pottering about and doing not a great deal.
I’ve sat and done some new BM pages, not least a start on some new resources; had a bit of a practise with this Hama Bead Flower Design and then learned how to add to my BeadMerrily News page. (Forgive the gratuitous linking, Jax makes me do it 😉 ) I’m a lot more motivated now, so i should get quite a bit done over the next little while.
Fran sat with me and did endless Hama stuff, several kits that had got a bit too squashed to sell and had a lovely time planning presents for people that she wants to make for Christmas. Josie pottered about and learned to thread Maxi beads onto Scoobis. She was extremely pleased with herself and seems to like yellow very much 🙂
While she snoozed, Fran and i customised her blog, which i am now allowed to share, though she likes the private option so lots of it is hidden! When the others got back, i went out for a ride; i’ve managed 25 miles this week, so if i can get out again tomorrow, i’ll have 30 or so. That’ll have to be good for me 🙂
Jax says
gratuitous linking is good for you! 🙂 excellent link text there.
well impressed by all this exercising. Swimming fell out of my week again, must try harder.
Nic says
of course you know that after pink, yellow is Scarlett’s favourite colour… 😆
merry says
*runs for the hills*
Deb says
Aw, just had a look at Fran’s blog – “I am a very happy girl” – who could want more from their children than those words? 🙂
Good for you on the cycling. I’ve done no “proper” exercise this week, but don’t seem to have sat down for five minutes, and have managed not to get any heavier anyway!
merry says
Grin… obviously i beat her till she wrote it 😉
Actually, it really was all her, including spelling and punctuation. I was rather impressed!
t-bird says
deeply impressed with the cycling! Pretty impressed with Fran’s blog too 🙂
Chris F says
Yep, but tell Fran I need to know more about the strange happenings with the My Little Ponies. Can’t leave us on on tenterhooks
Woo to the cycling 🙂
Em says
I’m glad it wasn’t just me wondering about the My Little Ponies 😀 Didn’t like to say otherwise.
Hazel says
Hiya! Just found your blog and realised its the blog that I linked to beadmerrily to place my order. lol. Had a look at your daughters blog. My daughter is 9 and she has a blog too. Address is http://jude-world.blogspot.com/ Your daughter might like to make blog friends with her. She is very crafty too. I’m looking forward to our order arriving – especially the maize thingys.