In the words of Nanny Macphee *ducks and runs away from Alison*
My aim for the last 2 weeks was to get some sort of calm, rhythm and structure back into our days. I feel like we’ve achieved that, i think everyone is much happier in general. next week i’m starting up our “timetable” – which is going to be nothing more than giving the older children a clearer picture of what normals are expected on normal days and assigning a subject to afternoon on a kind of 2 week rolling timetable. To be honest, it is really only for me. I don’t imagine they will notice “history” or “geography” and i’m not planning on any sort of strict subject demarcation either, but i’m hoping it will help me make better use of our afternoons.
Parceling was busy again this morning. I’ve had an account free option installed which i expected to make a difference but actually so far all the new customers have made accounts anyway. Still, it streamlines it all a bit and i’m pleased. There is a variety of other stuff being added over the next day or two which will also help.
Fran spent half the morning on Studydog 3, no idea why but suspect it was in fact useful for her in terms of word construction, which she still finds hard. Reading fine, making words come out of her fingers not so fine 😆 She worked very consistently at that, while Maddy finished her HappyMais models.
Indians on a beach playing and hunting.
She is very insistent that i call it indians; i initially assumed she meant native Americans and tried to correct her a bit, but no, she really means people from India, aka the stories we’ve been reading.
Aren’t they fab?
Both then did some Nezert maths books; multiplication for Fran and addition for Maddy. Amelie was utterly absorbed in the castle Fran has made and played with it for hours and hours. She did do a load of Studydog though and then announced she can now read 😆
Maddy did a heap of 3 letter word matching and sounding out, faultlessly, Fran finished her bookmark, which she has kindly made for me
then Maddy joined her (but isn’t finished yet) so did Amelie and now they are all going “ommmmm” in the living room. No really, they are 😆
Charlie has been obsessed by “ommming” for the last 3/4 weeks! Keeps telling me to do it! Fab HappyMais models and bookmark too. Charlie wants to know if Fran will teach him to sew?
She says okay 🙂
wow to the mais models!