So who is going to do Nanowrimo with me this year? 🙂
I’ve got something in mind for myself, of a sort of mock “Cider with Rosie” type thing. Anyone recommend any other similar books i could read to get myself in the mood?
So who is going to do Nanowrimo with me this year? 🙂
I’ve got something in mind for myself, of a sort of mock “Cider with Rosie” type thing. Anyone recommend any other similar books i could read to get myself in the mood?
You are utterly mad. Where are you going to find the time for that, huh?!
Well if I was’nt dyslexic, I might do it… do have to show anyone what you have written?
Well… I’m going to have a vedry organised October, then i’m going to pay Lucy to do November for me! But nano is great, massive snese of achievement and so definitely worth it – and i think the project i have in mind will be quite cathartic.
Nope, just for you 🙂
I intend to do it. Whether I will is a different matter – rather depends on who stays up all night here. Suppose I could always write it then tho:)
not going to fit in in this year 🙁
I was only thinking about it the other day, I was too late for last year. Not too sure I have any great talent at writing though (did rather enjoy the enid blyton mickey take the other day though, lol!)
Will have to check out what you have to do.
I might do it, I didn’t last year but it sounded fun.
Well, you all obviolusly have a different idea of fun from me 🙂
Yeah.. .you’re a scientist… i’m not sure they HAVE fun 😉
Never really been struck by the urge to write a novel. But I enjoy arty things that are more tactile, pottery, stained glass, sticking glitter….