One leg over the side of her cot.
Nice day today; i got up to find that Fran had already done some blogging and they were all happily bwading away. Deteriorated briefly into shouting about mess and ignoring me, then we went out and picked up the pottery (Alison, they are lovely!) and on to the Beans.
Where we spent a delightful day gossiping andp laying and lolling on the grass, before rushing back and being one minute early for swimming. Everyone did well, i got a cycle ride in and now i’m off to snuggle up with Max, a bottle of wine and Animal Crossing.
Photos!!!! Please 🙂
Yeah, will do them tomorrow in nice light. Your lot did beautifully 🙂
Baby sleeping bags are good for stopping them getting their leg over.
lovely to see you all today, been to long.
Just remembered I still need to paypal you the money I owe you! Which address?
I’ll email you, no rush 🙂
oh dear re the cot…. baby sleeping bags didn’t contain dd (no surprise there then….) they just seemed to help her hoist the second leg after the first 🙄 so we resorted to lowering hte cotside so it was safer for her to escape when she felt like it but she couldn’t roll out accidentally.