Another shortie.
Still feeling like i’m nursing us back to health as a family unit somehow but i do know it is working. Sometimes i wonder why a side effect of pregnancy (or at least of repeated pregnancy) can’t be a spare arm. Lord knows i could use it better than my spare tyre. 🙄 How is someone really supposed to keep juggling, with no let up ever, for hmmm… 24 years from start of parenthood to end of the last one being a child? *Emits melodramatic shriek*
Anyway; i stayed up till 1am last night packing parcels and sorting paperwork so was consequently pooped this morning. Did find myself reading a mock Chalet School story online which had a slightly unnerving storyline and consequently sent me to bed in tears. Oh well. But i did finish my parcels, so i didn’t have any to do first thing and that left me loads of time for maths and english with everyone. Then Auntie S came round to sit while i went for a counselling session, which was good, if slightly unnerving. I’m fairly used to people saying rather unflattering things about me; i’ve had ‘drama queen’ levelled at me since i was about 7 (i’m not a drama queen i just react extremely dramatically… okay! You have to fix your make-up first for the queen bit) but it isn’t often that someone says something to me, without malice but intending to be helpful, that actually leaves me speechless and gaping as a whole set of tendencies and habits whirl out of nowhere and present themselves in new and stark format. 😯
So, if you can only answer yes or no, am i a control freak? Neither will offend me, i’m just curious 🙂
Was a bit depressed by a peculiar message on the receptionists desk which smacked of a certain amount of Peak Practice type stuff. Hope not, i love my doctors surgery, i’d hate it to change 🙁
Got home, mooched and talked, then did ballet, with Amelie’s first lesson. Seemed to all go well; big girls bit shocked by the new grade 1 level stuff though 😆
Fran has started a blog as she is really enjoying typing about herself and making up short stories right now but has specifically requested that i don’t tell anyone where it is. So i won’t. Shades of things to come i guess.
I’d veer towards yes rather than no but I know people (and I’m probably one of them) who I’d consider to be more control freakish than you. How do you define control freak? I reckon most people like some control over some elements of their lives some of the time! I bet there’s some kooky online test to find out what percentage control freak you are, I’m off to look for one now …
here you go 😉 I got 54% btw!
Hmm, I’d tend towards yes as well I think.
I got 20 % 🙂
Ahh, just see it in a few years time. ‘The Muddlepuddle Kids blogring’, where they get to blog about us……
Greetings from planet hojo xx
I think it is a pov thing. Before bump on the head I had to be in control to feel secure. And dh put up with it. Post bump on the head I am much more laid back, wll let things go that I know I couldn’t have before, but I just don’t care any more. However I still can’t bear suprises, and will get cross if anyone close to me tries to arrange one, because i feel very uncomfortable about not knowing what is going on in my world.
Obviously what happens in the rest of the world, customers coming in etc I can’t control, therfore it doesn’t bother me, but to other people that is very control freakish behaviour, in which case just how bad was I before bump? ? ? Like I care….. and dh still puts up with me. or the short answer?? you are perfect so it doesn’t matter xc
I agree with Sarah 🙂 Though not entirely sure control freak is the right wording!
It’s my birthday next week and Tony always organises some sort of surprise. I love it on the day but I’m really hating this week and the build up.
hmm, 64% – not a huge surprise there!! its the list thing!!!!
and yes Merry.
I don’t know you that well, but I would say that you seem to be a person who likes to be organised, so I would say yes, but then I did that test I got a much higher score than thought ;0)
it was 60% btw.
Yes. Whether you achieve control or not is a different mattter 😉
I got 24% – the perfect balance apparently! /smug grin/
I think with 4 children and a business there’s a paradox – you can’t be a control freak with children because they are largely unpredictable, but OTOH you have to have everything organised and in control otherwise complete chaos will ensue. I am 24% perfect balance (apparently!) too but I know if I had more than 2 kids everything would completely disintegrate!!! It almost does already.
I got 8%. I have no control over anything LOL.
Well I dont really know you very well but I agree with amanda. You have alot going on,are always on the go, are incredibly organised and appear to get results so I would veer on the side of yes. Not that I can talk as I got 68% on my go.I wish people could find another term for it though,Its meant to be a mask for anxiety.
Being a control freak doesn’t simply equate to being organised, does it? It’s more to do with your emotional attachment to your orgo-planning, and to what extent you are disturbed if you can’t be in control.
I’ve never thought of myself as, or been called a control freak. But I’m gradually becoming more organised, as I’ve found it makes some stuff easier. But I don’t have everything organised – if we did, I’d probably be quite disturbed by that 😉 – and we don’t live in chaos.
I’m trying to imagine the picture on Claire’s face at the thought of me being “organised” as part of control freakery.
I’ll be back. I’ve been thinking.