….4+1 is mayhem 🙂
Quick blog as i’m trying to get back into the habit but i’ve got a heap of work to do; todays order count ended up at 10, a lot for a monday, plus the 8 that came in overnight or late yesterday that are still sitting on my desk ready for some last bits that need adding in the morning when hopefully my next delivery will arrive. I’m trying a bit of a new system and keeping ‘picking boxes’ on my table that i chuck things into as the orders come in, which will, i hope, make my mornings quicker and simpler. Also means that i can’t accidentally send anything out that should have gone elsewhere first, something i have nightmares over 🙄
Though even that would be a slight improvement on last nights dream, where i dreamt i was unfaithful to Max, by accident (!), with Brad Pitt. I didn’t even get to enjoy it as i managed to be completely guilt-ridden throughout the entire sequence of events 🙄
Anyway, all my lovely new shelving did mean that packing this morning went loads more quickly and easily, so that is a good sign. Darling husband for building it for me; FAR better than Brad Pitt could ever be! 😉
So that left me loads of time to march the kids through some maths; Fran has nearly finished MPH3AP1, today she did 6,7 and 8 times tables, Maddy did a load of addition to make up joke answers, which she loved and Amelie did endless more bits and bobs in her book. Then Fran did some EC French, and Maddy did some English and then Charlie and Claire arrived and mayhem took over as i hadn’t told the girls that they were coming.
Everyone had a lovely day, as ever and the girls have conked out in a completely exhausted fashion now. I won’t mention how many times Josie watched bits of The Magic Roundabout (which she can say, sing and dance to!) BUT i will remark that i think she’s gone 2 days without bfing… i’ve got mixed feelings about this sort of “distraction weaning” but it is all becoming a bit controlling and i think it is probably time. (Plus i’m getting seriously saggy boobs!)
EDIT: Blimey, if you put henry viii resources into Google, MP comes second!
You’ve done great so don’t worry! Saggy boobs are not so hot and as you are getting thinnner they get saggier by nature :-). Mine look like an African tribeswoman- nice!
You are allowed to be unfaithful in dreams without guilt so do it again tonight and enjoy it!
I’m going to have a boob job; i’m not so worried about their content, but i could do with a bit less skin!
pmsl at the dream!
New Bra? -cheaper than boob job!
Wow, Isabelle can barely go 2 hours without b/f, let alone 2 days … mixed feelings about that too! You sound amazingly busy … hope you’re not overdoing it.