Final splash course this morning; girls all sad to be finishing, but pleased that new sets of lessons start next week, with Ams joining the afternoon sessions too now. On the way Maddy and i talked about how she was getting on and she decided to ask to do her 10m badge. Anyway, Fran was equally surprised to be taken off to do her 50m, which she nearly managed on her front but grabbed the side 4 times, so didn’t get the badge. Then it was Maddy’s lesson and SHE got taken off to the deep end to do a 25m badge, which astonishingly, she did! She looked absolutely shattered at the end, having slowed to an almost stop 2/3 of the way down, but she got there and all the mums clapped her!
Fran had been watching and was a bit hacked off about this, so she asked if she could have another go so she got changed again and did another 2 lengths on her back and that time she got it!
So proud of my girls and also of Amelie who ended the week so much more confident and grinning from ear to ear as she pootled about.
Josie has excelled herself today by yelling “Stop it Ammi, you stupid poopoo donkey.” Like it 😆 😆 Amelie was quite nonplussed by it, but it is no more than her just deserts as she has been driving the big two wild by calling them poopoo 🙄 Josie can also now use the words “isn’t” “haven’t” and “me” in meaningful context, which is quite clever for 22 months. 🙂
Spent the rest of the day with family; Amelie and Rowan got on famously, i got to cuddle Ella lots and Josie was very taken with her too. Now i’m home – and i’m pooped.
Glad to see you didn’t get arrested!
Well done to Fran and Maddy too and pmsl at Josie sorting Ammi out 🙂
Brilliant swimming and talking:)
stupid poopoo donkey?!! If only I had that many spaces I’d teach my villagers to say that too 😉
big cheer to both big girls! Very impressive! and ROFL at Josie 😀
Well done your girls on all fronts.
Well done to the girls!
Hi Merry, i like reading your postings. I am a Scottish lass just moved to U.S.A . Have 2 kids age 9 ( just turned) and 7. I have been researching on the internet due to the change in schooling from U.K to U,S,A and i came across your web site, I have adopted a few of your ideas. I have subscribed to educationcity for one. My kids enjoy it and i feel it keeps them current with the Scottish curriculum. I also have used the reading tree idea too .
I have thought about homeschooling since coming here its almost the thing to do. Tho now my kids are kind of regulated to go to school and do love the friendship thing I know I cant change things its too late.
i do very much admire what you do though. My kids had quite a bit of catching up to do over the 3 mths off I almost felt I had to home school.
However We have put them in to a small private christian school which they love.
i wanted to let you know that I am a Midwife with a lot of experience if you need any practical questions answered just let me know.
I am hoping to work here but its a funny place and I dont know how it will work out.
Your jenni
Sounds like the swimming courses were good – well done to your girls. Love that talking! It’s great when the little one just asserts her/his self and takes bigger people by surprise – always makes me smile.
Yay to Josie! We were impressed the other day when Isabelle strung two words together – “Daddy wet!” And brill to all the swimming success too.
Really impressed with Josie’s sentences. We still don’t string more than two words together here (and you’re lucky if they’re even understandable). Well, except for one, two, three, four, five, six. That’s my girl. Well, unless things like ‘see-it… car/teddy/book’ count. We did have some reading though. She excitedly pointed to the lable of a tiny furry toy exclaiming ‘nonors! nonors!’. Then I realised she had found an McDonald’s ‘M’ logo. Oh, the shame…