I’ve been mum-the-taxi this week; F and M have had swimming lessons at 8.30, A at 9 and then F and M have had to be at their musical theatre rehearsals from 10-3 so there has been a fair bit of rushing in and out and when you add BM being extremely busy into that and everyones routine being disrupted (not least mine!) it has all been sort of hectic. I’ve managed everything except eating well and keeping the house tidy, just about, but i’m glad i don’t have to rush in and out all the time like this!
Swimming has been, on the whole, very good. Fran has done amazingly and finished the week by passing level 2 and swimming a length to get her 25m badge. So she is chuffed to bits and gonig to do a level 3 splash course in a weeks time to see if she is really strong enough or if she’d be better building her strength up in another 10 week level 2. I don’t mind either way really, but of course, she wants to go up. She looked completely astounded when she swum a lenth today, it was very cute.
Maddy’s swimming week has been a bit mixed; they threw her on tuesday by putting her in a really narrow lane, barely 2 feet across and she went to bits and just gave up. I ended up making them take her out of that, but then because they were basically very disorganised, she was quite out of her depth and kept panicking and grabbing the rope. This then spread to her afternoon lesson and she ended up crying on the side with me trying to calm her down 🙁 Eventually though we got her together and she did much better from then on and finished having had a more positive couple of days.
On the other hand, Maddy’s musical week has been great; she got the part of Michael (rechristened Molly) in Peter Pan and has been revelling in line learning and performing. They’ve sung the songs all week too! Fran is happy enough to be a Lost Boy with a couple of lines and charmingly delighted with my hasty t-shirt costume. Performance in a little while; hope it goes okay.
They also both passed their Primary Ballet with 76 for Fran and 77 for Maddy, so both got “Commended” and a trophy, which pleased them.
Amelie has had fun in swimming but still needs to really get it properly, but i’ve been really pleased with how hard she has tried. School grade chlorine (as opposed to Centerparcs grade) has been rough on her skin though 🙁 She and i have fitted in loads of stories, some maths, drawing, cuddles and film and some play dates. She has been very relaxed most of the week, not nearly so demanding when there are less people about to compete with. She is utterly shattered by a week of getting up early and swimming lessons though, so i dread to think how school in 3 weeks time would have suited her!
My cousin and her two boys came to play one day, Kate came another and we’ve shopped and chilled for a lot of the week really. I’d hoped to get more done but in the end i’ve had some time to talk to people, start to get some of my thoughts in order and sit back and think about my future a bit. Ironically i’ve been able to find somewhere good to be and talk among people who understand some of my current feelings, which wouldn’t have happened without something less nice making me realise that there must be a place for me to go. So that was all good and while i feel a bit bleary to be spending so much time thinking tough stuff out, i think it will be good in the long run. I’ll count that as my 25m badge for the week 🙂
Anyway, i doubt there will be anything meaningful to blog beyond the performance this weekend, but i’ll try to come and write up that as well. Back to bead-land now 🙂
sounds like a great week!
big pat on the back to Fran for the swimming (and to Maddy for getting it back togther!)
wow for the ballet scores!
hoping the performance is good (don’t suppose you are allowed to take pics are you?)
but mostly well done for going and doing some talking, hope it makes the long run a good one.
Well done to you, Fran , Maddy & Amelie sounds like everyone is acheiving something.
sounds crazy but happy 🙂 Well done your girls for all their achievements – and well done you too, for your ’25M’ !
take care 🙂
Sounds like a pretty successful week to me with everyone achieving something, including you. Well done to you all.((hugs))
well done to the girls on their swimming and ballet. Hope the performance goes well.