Must learn to breathe through nose when cycling :sick:
However, we have also recently purchased a book version of said rhyme, which happens to be the same edition as the one we had when we were little. Amelie and i have been singing it and reading it lots and it has been a nice little bonding moment together. We’ve progressed to very silly versions of it now 😆
Yesterday went well, if not quite as productively as the day before. But i did achieve plenty of maths with Maddy (who moaned because there were too many pictures on the pages and it didn’t leave enough room for sums 🙄 Where DID she spring from????) I also got Amelie started on book 1A and she loved it and did loads of pages, writing 1-10 really nicely and in the right places. She’s continuing with lots of writing, filling notepads with a, m, p, u and y – she has written mummy a few times. Her neatness is actually on a par with Fran and Maddy’s!
Fran finished the butterfly unit and we read a couple of chapters of Charles Darwin, including a cheerful anecdote about cannibals and dilemmas about leaving a missionary on an island full of them!
We lolled quite a bit, the run of early mornings having got the better of us but it was a good day anyway and i think we all enjoyed it. Much watching of new Narnia dvd has been done and lots of game playing.
Today we finished the run of swimming lessons; Amelie needs to do level 1 again as expected but will get that opportunity. Was late once, despite having 6 different clocks all telling different times in the house! Finally rang 123 today and started a syncronisation process! No doubt i’ll now be late everywhere!
Back home i got the big two to do some maths, Fran did some Settlers, Maddy drew, Amelie wrote, Fran finished a Famous Five book and did 20 minutes or so on the keyboard (is asking for 15 minutes practise for a beginner about right?) Maddy and i worked through the c and d note tunes together and she picked it up quickly, as i’d expected she would.
Sam and Tammy arrived in time for lunch and they all played and messed about. I’d intended to do something artistic but failed miserably to be organised about it. Didn’t seem to matter though, they all had fun. Lovely to see friends as ever. This week has been a lovely one actually; getting up to swim has really improved the start to our day and my favourite thing has been starting the day with a 25 minute sit down with friends who are such easy company and so welcoming. I’ve very much enjoyed that, it has pretty much made my week.
my favourite ‘poem’ There was an old lady…….:0D
thank you for a lovely afternoon. it has been happy mais here all evening!!
Mmm… rather, er graphic emoticon.
Eurgh to the fly, lol!
Re the keyboard practice…I think C used to do about 10-15 minutes daily when he started. He’d still try and get away with that now if he thought I wasn’t listening!