Just to get back into the habit of blogging every day, even though today has been mainly just “stuff” without much planning!
Fran and Maddy have begun on lessons on the keyboard, using a book i got from Ros. Fran is doing very well, and can use c,d and e okay now and read the music for 3 noted tunes with the right timing. Maddy is just starting out. Must look for some simple music theory stuff to help them make sense of the staves and notes.
Maddy and Amelie have spent lots of time with books and a Clifford Phonics cd-rom today at times. Not really been looking but they have been mostly happy, with odd bits of their ongoing power struggle interspersing the playing.
Fran has drawn up all the patterns she designed so they are ready to print and refine. Am going to get Max to explain Excel to her tonight so she can make a table that adds up the colours and make some planning decisions based on it. She worked really hard on that today.
Amelie did swimming and that seemed to go pretty well really. Wasn’t particularly watching as we happen to have co-incided lessons with nearly all our local HE friends (bargain) so we were mainly gossiping 😉 Maddy gave Md a letter telling him she loves him and her habitual Hama collection.
Considering he got presented with this declaration of devotion in front of 5 amused adults and offspring, he handled it very well and they seemed to resume their friendship pretty quickly 😆
Josie has mastered walking downstairs, midi Hama beads, “i love you” and “bed” – very clever.
Muchos playing went on in the afternoon when Aisha, L and A arrived – DSing, babies and Sylvannians and more gossip for the adults.
I’ve got some objectives for the rest of the week, having achieved gettingo ut the keyboard as one of them….
*More stuff on India
*Finish Charles Darwin book
*An artist
*Some music
*Some maths with Maddy
*Some writing with Amelie
*Completing Fran’s design project.
That would be worth blogging. Could write a billion other things about life at the moment, but can’t make them come from my head to my fingers; so won’t.
Fran’s design sounds very exciting, can’t wait to see it and it sounds like you’re going to have a busy week as always!
Have used Happy Note http://www.happynote.com/treble-clef-bass-clef.html
with my children to help learn the note names.
Also the Theory is Fun books by Maureen Cox have been a hit with the kids. Available at:
Good site with free first class postage.
Are you going to have a curry (as part of your carefully constructed curriculum on India)? If you haven’t done them yet, I recommend cooking poppadoms in the microwave (roughly 60 secs on high). Probably not the authentic way, but not greasy, they puff up before your eyes and they come out a bit bendy but then magically crisp up in s minute or so.
Careful about exposing Fran to MS Office – she’ll be drawing up business plans for her new design empire, power point presentations etc. Just give her a suit with power shoulder pads and retire in the manner to which you’d like to become accustomed. 🙂
Sorry if you’ve been doing this for ages, but I was mildly staggered recently when I met someone who hadn’t ever done it.
Oops! Dodgy edit of the last comment! The last sentence is actually meant to go on the end of the _first_ paragraph and not the _second_ which changes the meaning rather. 😀
Giggles wildly at idea of long established power dressed 8 year old!