All of which Josie has now mastered 😆
“I’m hungry”
“I want biscuit”
“I want cake”
(Wonder who she takes after here???)
“I want this milk mummy” (with appropriate pointing 🙄 )
“I’m naked” (???????)
All of which Josie has now mastered 😆
“I’m hungry”
“I want biscuit”
“I want cake”
(Wonder who she takes after here???)
“I want this milk mummy” (with appropriate pointing 🙄 )
“I’m naked” (???????)
Awww. She has the greatest expressions.
giggle 😀
Sorted 🙂
Ah, she’s been reading Homer Simpson’s guide to toddler talk. Good book 🙂
She just needs the piercing scream and ‘…….. hurt me’, even when she was alone!
Ah… yes… she can also do a mean “Ammi Ammi Ammi!!!!!” while pointing in fury! Oddly, that seems to be the only person she blames things on 😆
Just seen the photos here…was having a mooch around. The girl’s are really growing up and they’re quite beautiful.
Thank you 🙂