Well, i learned quite a few things today, but my favourite one was this, whichi learned shortly before 8.30am while still in bed. Orthodox Christians have a patriarchal system of leaders and are not governed by the Pope.
I don’t know how i didn’t know that, but i didn’t. I do now – and so do my children 🙂 And we learned that because i shunned parcels (no bubble wrap) and i shunned normals and we curled up in my bed all together and read the rest of the SOTW chapter we were had started. And for the second time this week i came over all Chalet School (first was after lunch reading!) and decided we were gonig to do everything deemed essential before it got hot so that we could ‘chill’ beyond that. Maths is no fun if you are hot 🙂
SOTW included a chapter on St Nicholas, which they remembered from Okehampton and a minor light bulb moment for Fran who suddenly clicked that if the Santa Claus story came from the St Nic story, then maybe Santa had a dubious reality. Ah well, it had to happen eventually. We muttered gracefully and with humour about it to each other and she didn’t seem unduly distressed but i have a feeling she’ll play along with her fingers in her ears, while going lalallalalalalala, for a while yet.
I wonder if i dare mention that Fran asked today if Claire’s dp was Charlies older sibling? 😉 Ooops… i did 😆
Beyond that we did a bit of maths, but then Claire and Charlie arrived to spend the day and all was abandoned in favour of several boxes of cuddlies and wooden animals to drool over. And really that set the tone for the day; Claire and i poked around in the recesses of each others site admins (oooh err) and the kids played in the sprinkler and tried to marry a beleaguered Charlie (Claire, i have run away products of yours sat on my desk, before i forget!) Along with drooling over catalogues and shopping carts styles, we drank tea, didn’t eat enough due to not having any food or a car to get any with and stepped over vast quanties of cardboard boxes.
I excelled myself today by getting 3 separate deliveries; a box of new products for the site relaunch this week (SHRIEK!) which i am very pleased with and looking forward to selling, a massive Viking Direct order which will keep me supplied with stationery for a while at least and yet another 5 boxes of beads (i really hope i have a busy summer or i am sunk!) Comically, this weeks Viking order included a free bbq if you bought bubblewrap; i bought 3 rolls of it (i nearly bought 6) and got 3 free bbqs!!!!! By the look of ebay, several other people got 3 too, so i’m going to share the love and Freecycle 2 of mine, unless anyone would like one 🙂
So we also spent quite a bit of time navigating around boxes of bodum. 😆
And now, i’ve avoided working by chatting to Jax and now i’ve avoided it by blogging and now i really WILL have to go and work… for a tiny sneak preview to give you a flavour of how BM is going to look… click here to see the new logo 🙂
I like it.
hm, we appear to have installed Spam karma after all. Dunno why you can’t manage it, but it might cut down on the spam anyway.
Good to chat 🙂
ie, dunno why the link to manage spam karma doesn’t work, rather than don’t understand why *you* can’t do it!
Giggle to you jax… can’t manage it indeed!
Glad you like it Ros, it is suitably pink for thee and me really!
I used to quite like you Merry……:)
Giggle 🙂
very nice logo!
nice BBQ too….
Want one? EDIT: Poo… just got rid of both spares!
Stunning beautiful logo!!! Shame I’m too late for a BBQ…. Been meaning to e-mail …. am not ignoring your last message, honest!
like the new logo, very swish. sam said to add that he thinks it is very posh.
Cyprus is dominated by the Greek Orthodox Church (there are also Coptic Orthodox and Russian Orthodox Christians, who are similar but not the same). It’s only Roman Catholics who are governed by the Pope in the Vatican, but Orthodox Christians have their own Popes, Archbishops, etc.
All very complicated… DS2 is fascinated by church history and could tell you much, much more – like how the Catholics split from the Orthodox in the Great Schism – but I’ve learned that much since living here!
Please ignore incoming email from me, I can now access your blog with no probs and judging by your comments other people have been able to do so all day so it must be my server going mad or something! 🙁
Nice logo by the way! 🙂
Love the logo- very trendy. Abi and Emma are glad its pink.
Love the new logo!
gorgeous logo – can’t wait to see the rest of the site 🙂
just cause you were here – Ros – I’d really like to find your blog again, but I don’t know where you are, or the password if there is one! Can you email me? you can get it from my blog.
Cool logo, going for the girly vote then 🙂 Re Jax comment does that mean I won’t have to read all Merry’s spam now 😉
Cool logo, going for the girly vote then 🙂 Re Jax comment – hope that cleans up the comment feed 😉
Funky logo. We all like it here:grin:
Lovely, BM looks much more grown up 🙂