The first of this months (well, assuming my sister is early again as she’s due on the 30th!) family babies has arrived; Max’s cousin, who lives near by, had a little girl this week. All went well and both in good health (makes good typing that 🙂 )
So that would be 9 girls to 2 boys in the next generation of mine and Max’s extended family, the only boys being ones from my dad’s sisters daughters side of the gene pool.
Something in the water i think…. so, will my sister produce a boy to even things up i wonder? (Somehow, i suspect not!)
I so need to drink some of that water!! 😆
Congrats to the family of the new arrival.
Could I order 1000 litres of that water for delivery around the end of this month please? 🙂
Congrats to max’s cousin.