Well, if nothing else, the title has reminded me of another blog that my rss feed has inexplicably just “lost” for me again; it has something of the personality of the sock monster, does Sage 😕
The day began with the castle, which Amelie loves and i thought might provide her with some entertainment while other stuff was going on. It is only a cheapy TRU one, nothing like the ones that Claire isselling, but it does collapse down nicely (which is always a bonus!) and she does love it. In fact, it entertained the younger 3 for most of the morning, once a few My Little Ponies had been added to the equation, so that was a bonus. Good to hear Amelie and Maddy interacting more positively anyway, since they still haven’t resolved their clash of the personality thing.
Meanwhile Fran had come down and set about something on her own, which turned out to be some (beautiful and neat) independent writing about how she feels about swimming. So that was all very nice. I finished my parcels and settled her in my office at my table, which is ideal extra space and she drew, stickered and wrote for ages very happily.
Dunno what else happened, it was one of those peaceful and well occupied mornings that didn’t require much help. (Well aside from me having to ring Mr Bean to tell me the IP number for my router, which crashed again) After lunch they all played in the garden for a while, Amelie and i did some writing and Fran and i did some fractions, mainly just going over what we did before and then doing some stuff on graph paper to make up extra parts of shapes that it had given a value to. (Erm, that didn’t make sense, did it?)
Then we went out bowling with the HE group; i’ve got something of a problem brewing, which is that Maddy is angry about not having enough friends. She hasn’t mentioned school as a way of solving it yet, and i hope she doesn’t, but i’m going to be very proactive about trying to fix it, because she is a gregarious soul and she is the frist of them to profess a need for more socialising. To be fair, what with one thing and another, we’ve done very little and there is lots to access, but she wants a mate and she wants one right now. So, feel free to invite yourself, either locally or from further afield (or even invite us!) I’ve got a couple of offers i’ll be taking up asap too.
Bowling was fun; Fran got 90, Maddy 82 and Amelie 72 (with track bumpers in placed!) and Fran was chuffed to get a strike.
Otherwise, hmm…. long conversation with Amelie about periods and what a tampon is for; conversation with her an Maddy about bones and muscles, conversation with diagrams about the meaning and reality of the word profit. Spent a while discussing my profit margins on various bead packs and the costs involved in sending a parcel out.
Oh, finish off with some weekend photos…
(Must get her hair cut, she’s starting to look like Miss Hooley)
And this, which is a rubbish photo, but will nonetheless remind me of a moment in time. Those two dots are my big daughters in the extreme distance on their bikes, they were way out of calling or rushing to distance. As Fran went out of my clear vision, there was this second where her body language and shape seemed to morph into one that could have been any age or size, my brian couldn’t quite decipher the perspective anymore. And in that moment, i saw this glimmer of a girl who will be a teenager in the not very distant future, cycling off without a backward glance. It brought a lump to my throat, but she looked so confident and i felt so proud of her.
Lovely, lovely last paragraph Merry. 🙂
You are all very welcome to visit us in North Herts at any time, or have us visit you, or meet somewhere in between. Clo will be 6 on Oct 1st. Your post brought a lump to my throat too! Michelle.
You are always welcome to our neck of the woods, Em is pining for friends too currently so a new face(well not new really) is always lovely
We’re not doing much next week ie 17th onwards.
Shame we live so far away as I’m sure the boys would welcome some new mates too.
Lovely photos, no idea what/who Miss Hooley is but I think Josie’s hair looks pretty in that photo, she’s so cute 😉
Door is always open over here too. Bit of a trek still, but floor space always on offer. 🙂
Lovey post and pics, we are working on the friends things but its tricky, Anyway you are welcome here if you feel like a trip.
giggle at Josie looking like Miss Hoolie! She doesn’t really though, she’s far too cute 😀
Wish we lived about an hour or so closer to you – DD would love to spend some time with Fran and Maddy (who are still somewhat up in the hero stakes in DD’s eyes!)
what does TRU stand for?
toys r us 🙂
Don’t cut it!!! It’s lovely 🙂
Growing up children just melt your heart don’t they.
Ballet tip 🙂 Pretend (or stick one on!) there’s a star on the inside heal. that’s the bit to push to the front to show, so the foot turns. Does that make sense? Once they crack that it changes the whole leg and makes so mujch more of the dancign easier. 7 years of lessons is making me obsessed!!!!!
Boo realised a couple of weeks back that she has no friends of her own. She never has and it never bothered her, suddenly it does and it broke my heart. We know lots of people but she just doesn’t connect very well 🙁
Where the days go has just reappeared for me on Sage. It wasn’t showing any problems, but nor were there any updates. Checked my feeds just now and loads arrived from wtdg but even though they’re all old they’re marked as new. Hmmm…?