Not been blogging much for a variety of reasons. The most pertinent is that Max is on holiday this week and we were going to be going away, but for a variety of reasons that hasn’t happened and we are, for the first time in years, having a holiday at home. Which is lovely and i feel more relaxed than i have in a very long time. We’ve had a couple of days out, a lot of barbecues, pitched a tent in the garden and just chilled. I’ve even taken some photos and will blog our days out later in the week.
One reason i haven’t gone away is that i had got completely overwhelmed with jobs that have needed doing for weeks and months and were completely paralysing me, so having delayed going away to watch footbal 😆 we then delayed another day and i spent all Sunday working in my office; 11 straight hours of solid “stuff” that needed doing and in the event, all of last night doing more. The result is i feel like a cloud has lifted off my shoulders and i can think straight again. My list had 32 fairly major jobs on it and it is now down to 5. This is good.
Another reason i haven’t been blogging is that i’ve been observing a process that has started to unfold very rapidly among the children and it has had me fascinated; i wanted to sit back and look for a few days and watch without getting bogged down in the minutae of what exactly we’ve done.
Fran has started to write and draw and colour; she goes to bed at night and makes up sheets of writing on things, she sits in the garden and tries to draw flowers, she has started to talk about things she wants to learn, or concentrate on. The fractions thing seems to have given her wings and opened her mind to being stretched and trying to do things that are hard. Today she and i talked through percentages, just from looking accidentally at a clothes label and of course, it all made perfect sense to her and she got it straight away. That of course led on to us looking at several labels and inadvertently discussing natural versus manmade fibres, so history, maths and textiles all in one there.
This feels sort of familiar to me, a toppling over into something new, i’ve watched one other girl i can think of doing this, talked to her mum as she has done, and i recognise something quite substantial taking place, even though it seems to have happened in just a few days. I suppose it is no different to Josie suddenly putting words to everything, in Fran some new pathways have opened in her mind and suddenly her body and brain can encompass all this new stuff. The change in her has been awe-inspiring, i feel like i have an emerging young woman in the house. Last time she changed so dramatically was when she suddenly got into the Tudors at age 5, i think.
Maddy seems to be struggling to find her niche, half between a big and capable girl and an overgrown little one. She’ll get there. She’s been revisiting her artwork again, writing all the time, drinking in anything to do with numbers. She is so good at occupying herself normally, but having so many things as yet not unpacked and in different places has thrown her a bit. I must give her some quality time next, help her get comfortable. But i love seeing her coaching Amelie in letter and number writing, they’ve all been using Pictochat on the DS’s and working so hard at writing and drawing. Her pictures in the garden the other day, foxgloves drawn from the real thing, were fabulous.
Amelie is recognising letters and numbers everywhere and smart enough to know she can appeal to her sisters’ vanity to get help, so that is happening with hardly any help from me. She wants to know about everything, yesterday it was how muscles work but it can be anything, anywhere. Love that girl.
And Josie is talking loads; milk, hat, cat, tickle, Frannie – anything we say, she copies. It is great to watch her.
4th July is our wedding anniversary, 8 years today (well yesterday, i got distracted by celebrating it!) I know that marriage isn’t for everyone, but for me it has been perfect. I love the safety i feel being married, i love the commitment, i loved my wedding day. I love being someone who chose to do that thing and stand up and say those words, i love that the people special to me stood and watched us do that and knew we were serious.
For me, being a married woman has been about taking a step to independence, stepping out of the confines of the family i grew up in and standing separate and able to say “i make these choices because i am committed here” – it is of course a very personal thing and there are many people capable of doing those things without a wedding. But for me, a person who found it hard to stand up for myself, as myself, as a young adult it was exactly what i wanted and needed. It has given me a personality to grow into, someone able to say “I am a 32 year old married mother of 4 and you cannot treat me/ speak to me/ email me like that”; it has given me a name i have made my own as an adult, rather than trying to tweak the personality of a child who never seemed to live up to expectations; it has given me trust and ability to believe in commitment from someone i adore completely and utterly, and given me the right and environment to give that back. That was important for me, because for all the affection and warmth there was in our early life together, there were lots of complications. Marriage was a final step in 4 years worth of getting to know each other and accept one anothers pasts, and it stamped on us a mutual commitment that is precious to me.
So, wedding bands have resided on our fingers for 8 years, the love has been there for 12, more or less. Independence for me on Independence Day, a far cry from being tied to a wall in a neighbouring village until you gave in anyway; marriage is what you make it i guess, and for me and i hope for us, it has given me something i wanted and needed and absolutely love having. A self i am pleased with, a place to grow up in (we’ve been together for one third of my life now!) and something i trust to catch me no matter what.
Happy Anniversary to us.
Happy Anniversary 🙂 And wishing you many many more to come 🙂
How weird to think of you actually being at home when I’ve been wondering how your holiday was going! LOL!
This bit struck me as odd – “I am a 32 year old married mother of 4 and you cannot treat me/ speak to me/ email me like that†– why should your age/marital status/existence of children matter? Why not just “I am a human being and you cannot do that”?
Since becoming a mother my confidence has increased in some areas, but decreased in others. Likewise for other events, jobs, etc in my life – all have had positive and negative effects.
Happy Anniversary 🙂
Happy anniversary. It is our 8th this month too.
I don’t think it should matter how old, or whatever, people are when they are speaking up for themselves but personally, like Merry, I feel I am much better at it since becoming a mum – and getting older too.
I can look at someone having a strop at me at work (or wherever) and draw on the experiences of parenthood to stay calm. I now feel that I am a much more competent person – and I don’t get intimidated easily.
I think it should be enough to think ‘I’m a person – you can’t do this to me’ but it really helps to think of all the life you’ve come through and survived. For a small person like me, I always think it’s like putting on platform shoes to look the tall person in the eye.
That reads like total babble – hope it makes some sense!
Happy Anniversary – it’s our 18 anniversary of meeting each other this week, and our 9th wedding anniv in August – nice to see someone posting positive commwents about marriage 🙂
BTW my RSS feed says you are getting a lot of comment spam…..
I think i’m overall more positive and confident as a mother, and of course i didn’t become a “wife” until i was already a mother by a few weeks, so it would be hard to separate the things probably. I’m curious, where are you less confident in your self as a mother, Alison? 🙂 Also, my confidence and self worth was pretty low before i came a mother, so the only way was probably up!
I suppose the sentence you picked out is an internal mantra “for these reasons i am me and i am worthy and therefore i have rights as a human being” – basically ‘what Allie said’ 🙂
Happy Anniversary Merry and Max! Thank you for describing your wedding and your marriage so accurately – it all sounded familiar to me. I still remember standing up the front in church and thinking: Wow! Of all the people in the world, Katy’s chosen me as the one she wants to spend her life with. Happy Anniversary!
Happy belated anniversary!
Marriage to me is one of the most important things. It’s why I’ve clung on and clung on. I stood up in front of our 300+ guests and declared my eternal commitment. ( I hated my wedding day though LOL!). For me it does add an extra something to the ‘I’m a growed up treat me with respect’ thing. I don’t think it’s something I say out loud but to me in my head and heart it means so much. Explaining this stupidly!
Age has made me stronger and more confident. Something to celebrate over the wrinkles and sagging skin LOL!
All of my children are going through a very obvious next stage change atm and I agree it’s wonderful to just sit back and watch.
That was lovely Merry! Happy anniversary to you both xxxx
Evening all.
I couldn’t agree more, hubby and I met almost 11 years ago, then twelve weeks later, his posting came through, and we got married…almost 11 years on…three girls later…blah blah…
I absolutly love being married..I’m a very confident, outgoing, opinonated (some may, loving woman….31
I’m proud of being 31…I seem to understand more as the years go by, I love being a mum, (8,3,2)..even if they drive me crazy!!..but I love being crazy, I love being so in love, especially with someone with who I trust, can tell everything to, makes me laugh so loud, makes me feel so p****d off at times..I love being with someone who I feel totally equal too, and who I undersrtand, and who understands me..oh yes…he tickles my back too!! that’s love lol.
Su xx
Happy Anniversary!
happy anniversary!
I love reading your beautiful descriptions of the flowering of family. And your comments about marriage really resonate with me – it is just how I feel about marriage. Today was hubby’s birthday and my card said “you sometimes make me grumble. You often make me laugh. You ALWAYS make me feel loved and loving you in return is the easiest thing in the world”. Congratulations on your anniversary, and here’s to the next 80!
so glad you updated. You always make me feel inspired to keep going with my kids. Happy anniversary!