Girls came home with Blue Rosette Awards for tap today. Again, utterly no idea what that means, but they were delighted with them and the silky banner they get to put them on 😆 Dance school managed to spell both their names wrong, so both need new ones making, *sigh* but nevermind. Roll:
After an absolutely dire weekend on BM with virtually no orders at all (shriek) yesterday and today picked up a good bit, so hopefully it was just the normal pre-payday lull. Must get on and add new products tonight, but i’ll save my other new stuff till July starts properly for me i think. So i had a good bundle to send out today, but we all did them together and it was all very enjoyable and easy. Fran and Maddy went off together and started on some handwriting practise, Fran doing a Wizard Whimstaff book that just needed the last page finishing and then some Getty Dubay, which she hasn’t done for ages. She quite liked the look of Book D though and was getting cross with the fact that Maddy was doing her one (Book C) so well, so started on that and burned through a load of it. So that kept them busy while i was busy and left us free for more interesting things after that.
More interesting initially consisted of maths again; Maddy doing some graphic multiplication which she loved and hopefully gave her a visual insight into what she was doing and Fran doing some pages of multiplication/division with related numbers just to sharpen up her manipulation of groups of numbers. That done she and i did a load of simplifying of fractions from various places and then finished off with some of the fraction pages from MEP Year 5, which were fun. If anyone still has the MEP password, could they let me have it, as i seem to have lost it and i’d like to download the B books 🙂
Plenty of Animal Crossing Wild World followed over lunch, (Caroline that is AC:WW, it is a Nintendo town building type game!) and Fran was delighted as the flowers that Sarah and I planted her during various wi-fi trips had yielded 2 hybrid flowers today 🙂 Bless. *I* was not so fortunate 👿
This afternoon we got back into Story of the World (SOTW) and read about Auguestine and the coming of Christianity to Britain. Have done this story before in Our Island Story i think, but not done any SOTW for ages so i was really pleased when Fran remembered the plot of Beowulf from the previous chapter with no prompting at all 🙂 All 3 big girls listened, while Josie climbed on and off my lap demanding milk 🙄 HOW did i end up still bfing a nearly 20 month old talking child????????? 🙄
Amelie asked me this morning if she could learn to read; no one else has really asked this before. I made Fran learn (lol) and Maddy is learning via writing, but Amelie really wanted to so this afternoon we sat down with some paper and wrote out letters and learned their names and wrote some simple words (cat, mat, sat, fat, hat, pat) and then she learned them with me and sounded out and drew pictures of them in a little book. She did very well too, far more with it than the other two have been. So that was good and we’ll hopefully keep it up.
Now i need to find a campsite near good things to do in South Wales (recommendations pleeeease!) and about 85 other things… so erm… now, have i watered my flowers today?
I have the password. Just need to find the email it’s in.
I found it and sent it. 🙂
I’ve sent it as well 🙂
Excellent, thanks both of you 🙂
Sounds like youve been busy. How nice your daughter want to read! Thats unheard of around here!
I just got back from camping. How I love it! Hoep you find a good spot.
well done to the girls on their tap awards!