We’ve had a delightful weekend with the TRBs here and we’ve all done as people do when they get together with good friends; children surpassed themselves as only children can by playing fantastically with each other, rather more as kids who see each other weekly, than as ones who see each other a few times a year. Abbie and Joe fitted themselves neatly into our life and carved out a whole new category in my mind “home educated children who go to school” 🙂 I think i may have my concepts confused 🙂 They are just the same as ever anyway 🙂
And as HEers by mindset do when they get together, we hads a weekend packed for of social and educational activities. There was PE, Constructional Mathematics, Social Studies, Geography and Media Studies, IT and Communication Studies and Art and Craft.
(Oh all right then, Fran and Abbie and Maddy stood on their heads and turned cartwheels in the garden a lot, they played geomags, we had a barbecue, watched Madagascar, played 4 way Animal Crossing and did some playdoh and felting!)
Enjoyed getting the opportunity to talk and play silly games with a likeminded adult (who is something of a bad influence!) listen to children play fluidly and happily all weekend in every combination going, get Sarah to stay up till 3am 😯 and also add a very useful technique to my parenting approach, thanks to getting the opportunity to spend time with a parent whose approach and family i admire. I love having good friends like this, it has done so much for my style of parenting and given me so much opportunity for being the kind of parent i want to be. And on this occasion, watching Sarah handling the odd squabbly tell tale (from my kids 🙄 ) made me realise i wade in a bit too much, out of habit really from the days when Maddy needed so much more support, for things that i don’t need to wade in on anymore.
Lovely weekend anyway, come back soon 🙂
Lin says
Sounds like a great weekend Merry, I love the way you can categorize (sp!) everything – I’m hopeless at that (actually I’m pretty hopeless at everything home-ed but shhh!),
I must have a chat with Sarah about how to deal with the tell-tale thing, it drives me batty! 🙂
Jax says
sounds fab. Slightly jealous. 😉
site admin says
She says “have you talked to X about it, try that first because only you two know what happened” and it works!
Lin says
Mmn, must give that a go. Thanks!
Sarah says
rofl, your account is much better, you’re right. Tonight Joe said he wished it was the summer holidays so he could have stayed longer 🙂
That boy is *so* getting de-regged or at least flexi-ed next year …
kerry says
hi,i have been reading your diary for a while and i wanted to have my own blog.i have tried and tried to join the muddlepuddle ring for home edders and had no success.im not sure what i am doing wrong please could you help.thanks
Jax says
Merry, if there’s an email address attached to the above comment, can you forward? I’ve tried to get in touch with Kerry via the ring, and it isn’t happening. Ta.
Jax says
Or possibly just send my email address to Kerry… pointing out that I’m ring admin, and not just trying to find out her email! 🙂
kerry says
hi,its kerry ,have you got my email address ,not sure why jax is having problems with my email,i have sent it.this blog thing is driving me mad,thanx