Feel like we’ve had a really solid week this week, not the most attnetion grabbing i suppose, but good in its own way. I suppose it was outside of my mindset to imagine having fun with a maths project, but effectively that is what we’ve done and we’ve been enjoying it lots. I’ve loved their enthusiasm and their willingness to sit down and apply themselves to something tough; it’s probably the first time Fran has really been prepared for maths to stretch her so that is a big step forward.
Anyway, we ended the week by doing more simplifying of fractions, lots of comparisons between fraction sizes and amounts, ordering and right at the end some simple addition of fractions, including spotting when it had made 1 whole number and simplifying the answer where required. Job well done really. Maddy did less today but still had fun and had done loads else, so i wasn’t worried. My task for next week is to be sure Amelie knows her numbers and letters, which i think she does, but i’d like to give her that time.
Maddy and i spent ages on her ETC book and i was surprised to see she did the spelling section at the end from memory rather than referring back. All good then. The more i see of Maddy’s apparently very ‘typical’ approach to reading, the more i wonder what exactly is going on with Fran; she has cracked reading well enough now, but her concepts of word building and her word recall to write are way off the mark really. That said, she did send Violet an email today (hope it arrived?) without help, so i guess she’s okay really.
Fran did a load more EC english, Maddy did some GD writing and then we went into the garden to plant Fran’s strange plants kit, Maddy’s vegetable kit and pull up some weeds. Maddy planted carrots, rtomatoes and beans, which will hopefully still have time to grow, Fran a variety of giant pumpkins and bug eating plants. And we ended the day with a 5 strong water fight, which was just lovely 🙂 (I had the hose, so i was okay 😆 )
planting things is good and love the water fight, we have those a lot.
Merry, what has been the best thing you have used WRT fractions? Manipulatives, print offs, websites etc any recommendations (sp??)? Cheers
There’s a water ban you know!!
Not here 🙂 We’re east, not south 🙂
Louise, i’ll do a round up tomorrow 🙂
Sounds like your girls are getting an excellent grounding in maths. My two are making up for lost years in school in this area. They seem to have learned to do various really complicated, quite advanced things but don’t have a good grasp of the basics at all, without which nothing makes sense. Will be interested to read your round up – maybe steal some ideas 🙂
Oh I envy your maths teachings. I am hopeless as are the children. I really must pull my finger out in that subject. I too will be waiting to steal any ideas…