This morning i grabbed a quick shower while the kids played. During that time i got asked…
“Mummy, if i do a poo, can you wipe my bottom?” (No, I’m in the shower.)
“Mummy, can we start fractions now?” (No, I’m in the shower.)
“Mummy…. you said you’d make me purple juice!” ( I’m in the shower!)
“Mummy, can you put Shrek on the gamecube?” (No, I’m in the shower.)
“Mummy!!!!! You said you’d wipe my bottom!” (No, I said ‘I’m in the shower.’)
“Mummy…. have you put Shrek on yet?” (Read my lips….)
I mean really, i know i’m good, but even i lack teleporting skills, whether wet and bubble covered or dry and dressed 🙄
Well anyway. Today Maddy learned her 2 times tables, as a precursor to doing more difficult fractions as her pissed-offness on not doing the MEP7 stuff has reached epic proportions 😆 She got it in 1 and just recited it to me flawlessly while going down the stairs. I gave her a couple of sheets of bizarre shapes to divide in half and she did them in about 10 seconds flat, which reduced Fran and i, who hadn’t even done one sum, to helpless giggles. I laughed even more when she said “This is called a line of symmetry, i saw it on CBBC.” So in despair i gave her 2 sheets of shapes divided into anything up to tenths with some parts shaded, gave her a brief explanation of what she needed to do and left her to try and make each one into a fraction. And she did that too, then did the Grade 2 (Year 3) revision sheets flawlessly to, which given she’s Year 1 age, is quite clever really. 😆
Goodness knows what i’ll give her tomorrow.
Fran nad i meanwhile reached a point that we need to explore further before we go on. We did a section on converting ‘big’ fractions down to smaller ones (15/30 into 1/2 type stuffbut no idea of proper lingo!) and that took a while as she isn’t so quick at spotting what you need to divide by as she was at spottinjg what you need to multiply by. She seemed to get it though. Then we did a bit that was comparing fractions and ordering them, and really we need to do common denominators for that, so we’ll look at those tomorrow instead of carrying on with the MEP stuff.
I did love hearing her tell Maddy how important her times tables were and how she needed to learn them to be quick at sums though.
Maddy and i spent a while on ETC1 again, Fran did more EC English and some spelling work, then everyone played for a while, Fran and i both paid off our AC mortgages, Maddy did Gamecube AC and got on very well with that (ACWW is much less reliant on silly words in the conversations though, so actually Maddy would probably be better off with a DS version.) Then we did a bit of gardening, some tidying that could be loosely called Domestic Science (I’ve got Sarah the Princess of Neat coming this weekend, so i must try to recapture that just moved in feeling!) and then took Maddy to Rainbows.
Fran and i have to sit in the car during that time and the little 2 sleep every week, so today i printed off a School Exprerss unit on Africa and we took it in the car on a clipboard and did it while we waited. Loads of new words, talked about population, industry, mining, percentages, environments, comparative words, continents, what a country actually is (that nearly stumped me!) and all sorts of other bits.
Annoyingly, having hoarded the entire st of those for years, i seem to have inadvertently expunged them from my computer at some point. And they were all neatly sorted into categories too. I think i have them backed up somewhere, but goodness knows where. And just when i finally want them too 🙁
And Amelie had a great day too, loads of Dora Gamecubing, loads of geomag play and generally a much happier baby altogether.
Joyce says
Oh, I think I have them all on my other pooter if you are stuck. Not in categories though, which is unusual for me……
Heather says
Blimey, you’re all very industrious!
Fran is ‘simplifying’ fractions….very impressive 🙂
merry says
Ah yes, i remember that now! I seem to always remember thinking what an inappropriate word it was for it!
Caroline says
Hi Merry
I’m always curious about what you’re up to, but I don’t understand all the codes! ETC – got that one, but your ‘abbreviations on POP’ link seems out of date, so help me out here… What is EC English, AC (is that like a monopoly game or something?), ACWW? MEP I’ve worked out from a previous post, but I’m struggling now with these othrs … 🙂
Caroline says
While I’m here I am VERY impressed with what your girls are about these days 🙂
Caroline says
also while I’m here – PLEASE could you send me your email addy – it got lost in a ‘puter update! Ta