I broke Peterborough today, i really did. (Well, okay i didn’t, but i’m short on blogging material, so go with it.) I went into the Post Office in the little village near us, put my card into the cash machine and as i put it in, i switched the electricity off. it just went… szoomh… and didn’t come back for hours. Even the post lady blamed me! 😆
Other than that, stuff was a bit short generally; my bead delivery arrived and was full of new bead packets of types that haven’t been available here before, so me and Sarah nagging the MD of my supplier must have worked. I’ve started listing them, so you can see the new hama bead colours at beadmerrily here.
My dad spent the day here, we all played, packed parcels, gamed, read and drew. it was nice but we were busy.
I’ve got ridiculous network hassle and have just had to reset the entire router AGAIN to get an IP back for my laptop. No idea what is going on but it is very frustrating as i’ve needed it to contact people. And i’ve finally given up pretending i’ll be leaving early Saturday to get to Kessingland; we are going to go late Saturday or possibly early Sunday as i’m really struggling to get on top of stuff here. I’d enormously appreciate someone saving us a khyam size spot please 🙂 as i’m feeling woefully disconnected and out of touch. Hate being so busy and hate have irritating computer problems compounding it. ARGH. Wish my children could be fobbed off so i could just stay here. I’m feeling very Maddyish and i just don’t want to go anywhere. 🙁
rofl – snap.
Except I’d like a vango sized spot please 🙂
And I did ask whether it would be acceptable to go without the children rather than send them and stay here…
Snort, bit like me saying “should this plug be this warm”? BANG whole of street goes dark. Coincidence so they tell me…..have a fab time at Kessie, will book an appointment to ring you on your return. xc
we will try and save some spaces!!
we are hopefully going early sat.
though we do have 2 tents to put up!!
oh and Merry, you will enjoy it when you’re there.
reconnecting required.
Well, if we are managing to fill up that big non-hookup field I’d be impressed. I didn’t say anything about putting our Kyham up, just that we could use it….
Re the router, it’s Linksys yes? some people over on uk.telecom.broadband have been comlaining about problems they ahev had with Linksys routers. I think I’d start by trying to get a replacment for the existing one, it’s not behaving properly if you need to reset it to get the laptop to connenct properly.
Or excahnge for different brand? Our Netgear DG834 has been reliable.
Looking forward to seeing you all there, haven’t seen much of you recently.
Our linksys one was very unreliable – replaced it with ultra stable netgear.
Oh bother; man in the shop said it was a good’un but it seems to have been very flakey 🙁 Trouble is, i’ve had ntl box, line and service for so long i don’t really know what is what.
WE may be late but in the hook up field so I’m at the mercy of whoever sites us. Am half tempted to bring the teeny tent and pitch it on the non hook up field so DD has somewhere to crash out whilst I do the socialising thing. Or I could just leave DH in the tent to babysit….
Darling pics of the kids. I cant believe how they’ve changed and grown up from the last pics in your side bar!
Do that t-bird! And thanks Mrs D 🙂
I’m not sure if it is my router (linskys)or my PC, but my desk top has started arsing about and dropping the connection every five mins. Though both laptops are fine, touch wood. Have a lovely time, anyway.