… thanks in the main (except Amelie’s at the moment and you can tell because it doesn’t have a lovely fuzzed out background like his does!) to PappaPricey who took delicious photos as normal 🙂
I’ve taken the unconcerned nod of assent at the weekend as permission for use 😉 and given i vaguely recall begging you to take ones of the rest to use, i’m assuming i’m allowed 🙂
Thank you very much for such lovely ones, they do delight me 🙂
I thought that one of Fran was lovely, actually. Did make me wonder how many years of orthodontics she’ll end up with, but it’s beautiful anyway 🙂
Years and years 🙁 Till she is 20 probably.
Actually i ummed and aahed over it, i probably won’t show her the big version because i don’t think she sees herself with teeth that look like that, but you can’t tell on the little one, which is all she’ll see. Beautiful picture though and one that she’ll be able to look at in the future and see that she was always beautiful but that the tooth work was worth the effort.
It is a beautiful picture – she looks very grown up! Has she had any tooth work done yet?
NO. It can’t really be done till a good few more of her big teeth are through – then they’ll do a bone graft into the notch that is left and then the braces will start. It will be a long haul for her, but i guess she will have beautiful teeth in the end, which is more than i have!
Not the same at all but Charlie will also need braces for a fair amount of time too when he is older, from sucking his thumb for so many years. The top middle two stick out a fair way. Dentist said it was a good thing he didn’t go to school as he’d have to wear a protector to do any games/PE. He’s pretty self conscious about his teeth.
both your “big” girls are looking scarily grown up! And yes, Fran is so beutiful and I hope she always knows that (in a non-concieted sorta way!)
That fuzzy background is known as bokeh.
aww what beautiful girls you have.
(cant see anything wrong with teeth but it is a tiny pic)
They are wonderful pictures! I was going to ask about the fuzzy background, but having read Chris’s link I’m even more confused, lol.
Oh, I do like that one of Maddy 🙂 Hadn’t looked at those photos yet!
That was interesting.
i really wish i could find the time to learn to use the manual setting on my camera. Somehow i never get as far as reading instruction booklets 🙁
Amelie likes the one of “Buttercup being beautiful and me being funny” as she puts it.
Well in essence the blurring is because the photograph has a very narrow depth of field. Only items at a specific distance will be in focus.
Love the new photos’ the big2 look very grown up.
i couldnt see the bigger pics before only the tiny cast pictures.
poor little Fran, such a beautiful girl tho as are all your girls.