Yesterday morning Fran and i went on a mjor girly shopping spree, spending time in Lush together, in Lakeland, John Lewis, Kiddicare, Boots and plenty of other places. it was very enjoyable to wander around, doing jobs and pampering ourselves. She had some pocket money and some birthday money left and bought 2 of these in John Lewis, which she is particularly delighted with. Starting this month, now she is 8, i am giving her £20 a month pocket money and she has to budget for the month and buy absolutely anything she wants for the entire month, sweets, fiction reading books, magasines, hair stuff etc etc. Big test of course as she has to try to save enough to have holiday money and then some left. So far she has done pretty well 🙂
After that we went to collect my sister and niece and there on had a pleasant 24 hours of chat about her impending next baby and how she’s has found motherhood/2nd pregnancy. Feels weird to have reach the end of that phase and be looking back on it, rather than part of it 😕
Today, the HEUKs came and madness in the form of 4 hours worth of tig in dressing up clothes, watched by onlooking mothers went on. I didn’t take any photos, but i suspect that won’t be a problem 🙂 Was lovely to do some long overdue catching up with friends – and Amelie and Buttercup were separated eventually, on promise of meeting again soon 🙂
Wow your girls look so grown up in the photos on your side bar! Sounds like a fabulous day.
Sounds like a fun couple of days. I’m hoping M forgets about Fran’s pocket money though, cos at the moment he gets half that to cover the same things LOL. Though he might get holiday money too. I can’t imagine him managing to budget a month at a time just yet. I do think pocket money is a great idea. I have to do girly shopping with my sister or my mum though.
We do the monthly thing with Charlie too, started last year and its worked really well so far but he doesn’t often buy things. He’s bought us lunch a few times though which is nice 🙂
Kath, i have spares… shall i lend you a daughter? 😉
If you’re lending out daughters Merry, may I please borrow one? 😉
Grin… can you collect? 😉
me too! I’d like to borrow a baby sister for dd, she’s desperate for one!!! (happy to collect or borrow for a few hours at camp 😉 )