Has anyone got a travel cot i could borrow urgently for tomorrow night? Can collect 🙂 My sister and niece are staying and Josie sleeps in ours.
Has anyone got a travel cot i could borrow urgently for tomorrow night? Can collect 🙂 My sister and niece are staying and Josie sleeps in ours.
khadijah says
yep, call me! good excuse to go farm again.lol. no idea where you are precisely though.
you can let me know through one of the others if you don’t have my contact details…
site admin says
K – brilliant!
Will hunt out your number and give you a yell 🙂
Alison says
You know C won’t be able to come near your house on Sunday if G’s there!!!
site admin says
Shriek… why???? (Although i don’t think she will be, she is leaving quite early.) Is he allergic to her?
Alison says
No, but … he doesn’t know her! That would be far too traumatic for him 😉
merry says
Aaaaaah – of course.. Tell him it will be fine; if she is still there, she has a very cute toddler he can take photos of 😉