I’ve had 900 in the last few minutes, making that three lots of 800+ i’ve cleared out since 8.30.
I can’t go throguh them so if anyone was in there, i missed you, sorry 🙁
AND… i’ve added words like slots and spray to my blacklist, so those are disappearing without me ever seeing them. So you might have to word comments carefully – because the way it’s going, i’ll be blacklisting the word “and” soon 🙁 👿
Sounds like you need spam karma as well, it’s been so much better since installing that!
ugh, that sounds awful! I use Mailwasher to control spam, which isn’t bad although I still get a few every day. If it’s to an address you have on your site, my older son gave me a very useful hint – he said don’t EVER put a mailto: link, since that attracts spammers like honey attracts ants. Instead I made a .gif image of the email address I wanted to use, meaning that if a real person wants to email me they have to type it in rather than doing the link direct… but that’s not really a problem, and it’s saved a vast amount of spam (though not all).
It’s weird but since switching to Thunderbird for mail I never get any at all ever! Also don’t get it through the biz addy either – think its spam assasin the host uses.
You wait till your site opens Claire – i use the gif thing on BM that Sue recommends, but on OSC i actually watch people log into the comments page and fill the spam in! I get loads. Thunderbird does have fab junk filters though, which i have finally discovered, but it is the comment spam on here that is a killer!