Chapter Two: In which the Snork Maidens get a pink slip, Fran-kin discovers maths is fun and Itch outgrows Dora.
Fran and Maddy have made it out of Level One in their swimming lessons; no surprise given their ages, but good anyway. They were both delighted. odd system; they now do 3 more weeks in Level One before moving up. Why????
We’re working towards a morning routine where i get up early and work, then finish off stuff while everyone does their normals. On an average day i have something like 10 parcels to do, which i can do in an uninterupted hour, plus a few minutes sat at the computer. I’ve got Fran working nicely at the moment and Maddy working on EC quite happily. It isn’t perfect but it makes a good start. Now i just have to figure out the little two; Dora enthusiasm has waned, so that doesn’t cut it and most of their toys are still packed. But i can fix that next week 🙂
Anyway, Fran got through a load more maths, english and florence, Maddy EC’d for England. This afternoon they made the most of the weather while i blubbed and fumed over cleft palate blogs/newstories. Then we went swimming and then we came back.
Lol. Life in the fast lane 🙂
Our lot just do it all by terms, so you get your badge 2 or 3 weeks before the end of term so you can rebook or put in for a transfer up to the next level. Doesn’t sound like yours works like that though, seeing as it’s half term this week! Do you pay for a block?
Yeah, blocks of 10 and it goes on all year round. Which is good; ideally i’d love to get Amelie in directly behind them, but they won’t take her till she should be inreception, so i think she’ll end up being at least 2 classes behind, though perhaps in the same time slot for a while.
We pay for terms and they move up whenever they are ready to even if it is mid term. The teachers send them to the next group to see if they like it, if they do they go up if they don’t they wait until they want to go themselves. I do like our swimming group!
Sounds very laidback Ros 🙂
WE’ve our names on lists bt it’s taking a long time :0(
mine have been on the waiting list for nearly a year 🙁 I rang before S was even 3 and was told that although they can’t go til they’re 5 it was worth putting her down as she’d probably be 5 by the time her name got to the top of the list!!! Must check the other local-ish pool really.