Took the girls out to the local HE group today since we’ve been a bit too housebound recently. it was an African drumming and singing session and it was great. Can’t say i’d ever noticed the the reason African music sounds so different is because it mixes all sorts of beats into one, rather than sticking with 3/4 or 2/4 or 4/4 time, but there you go. I know now. Kids loved it and i really enjoyed the singing at the end.
Tammy, Sam and some of their new friends came for luncxh this afternoon and the rest of the day has passed in a blur of normals, roblem solving (managing between us to figure out two sticks, 2 lumps of plasticine and a lot of patience to get a gamecube box out from behind a radiator) EC, me being EXTREMELY hormonal and hoping this isn’t going to be a long term side effect of my coil as i am the bitch mother from hell this afternoon. 🙁 We’ve discussed periods, surprisingly, as i was starting to wonder if it would ever come up but in fact Maddy was the one to ask. All seemed to be understood without due difficulty. Felt somewhat weird, i must admit. Maddy has DS’d with Franklin, Fran on AC:WW. Amelie is absorbed in painting and dress up dollies, thanks to lovely presents from Sam and this evening in Little Shop of Horrors, her current fave. Maddy EC’d, Fran did a load on her 4x tables and a lot more French, on the basis that she needs to speak it because of her name!
And erm… that is it. Off before i start chewing peoples ears off.
Sorry but you can’t be the BfH because thats me! Everything else sounds good, we had the ‘period’ chat last year, Hair in funny places (babbette cole) is good and very amusing :0)
thank you for a nice afternoon-it was great to see you and your beautiful house!
I love that book!