I think i might try and do a typical week, because the only thing this proves is that very few days either go according to plan or are very much like each other. granted, it feels like it has been perpetual grey sky and rain forever and that has impacted on our behaviour recently, but even so, HE doesn’t really produce average days.
The day starts with some DSing, while i get up early to do some work. I’ve had a busy weekend of orders and i want make sure the bulk of them go out at 12pm when my postman comes, so i’ve made a special effort to wake up at 7am.
fran starts the day, post 9am, with some Singapore Maths. Maths is currently her favourite thing and her sudden rush of ability in mental maths and calculation is really surprising. In fact, nothing in SM 2B is really going to stretch her, but the practise is probably still useful, interspersed with other stuff. This is her using EC to do some French, her other big interest at the moment, which she then uses quite competently through the day. This is a very autonomous inclination, i’ve not prodded her that way at all, so it is good to see her enjoying it.
Amelie gets dressed for the occasion and spends most of the day in costume 🙂
Maddy started the day on EC and then moved on to some Getty Dubay Book 3 – she loves practising her handwriting and this book seems to suit her.
I end up doing half my parcels as i’m waiting for a (eventually delayed 🙄 ) stock delivery but the girls help me by weighing them and selecting the right postage bands, sticking on labels and getting them down to the door for the postman. I’m a firm believer in them learning about the business i run, as i learned about the one my dad ran, as i do believe working from home gives women the power to have huge independance at the same time as being with their children, if that is what they want. So that covers maths, english, languages and business studies for the morning.
Amelie is the latest child to get into the Digicolour (maths, logic and art!)
Josie is really enjoying her quiet toy corner.
The little ones enjoy an indoor rough and tumble for some time out.
And then the long awaited SF parcel arrives and they play with their new purchases (long saved pocket money!) till lunchtime.
Josie plays with the kids k’nex.
This one is especially for you Deb. Maddy remembers the Nature Anthem so we google for it and a mad half hour of singing, dancing and leaping about takes place. (PE, music, dance.)
Amelie makes some k’nex monsters.
We make some soft furnishing accessories for the SFs.
Apart from the odd ray of sun, it heaved it down all day, making the allotment a no go. Puddles at the Puddle.
The plan was that in the afternoon we were going to do a fruit-powered-battery-clock kit but out of nowhere all the girls started to play a hospital and vet game. They set up a surgery and got themselves patients, then inflicted treatments on people. Amelie was chief remover of worms from throats :barf:
I could have intervened i supose but in the end, with them popping in and out of my office, we covered loads. We talked about physical responses to illness, temperature, pulse and respiration; i taught them to go TPR obs on each other and we talked about recoreding them on graphs and drew a few. Maddy made me laugh because we tried to record her breathing “Just breathe normally Maddy!” we commanded… “I’ve forgotten how!!!!” she wailed as she hyperventilated! We covered reasons for and treatments for various illnesses, talked through what we know about asthma and eczema and discused how to administer calpol and nurofen and why we might, or might not, do that. We talked about overdoses and cumulative effect of drugs. We kept patients in and we discharged them. Fran discovered she no longer fits her rather skimpy nurses outfit too – she has had it since she was 3!
So all in all, a very interesting day.
Looks lovely 🙂 I still love the digicolour! And is my parcel in that pile or is the white in the delayed delivery?!
Um, I need your address too please!
The white is in the delayed delivery 🙁 Did you not get my mail? 😳
Will send it.
lovely day. and what lovely pristine carpets [i am obviously jealous!]
You’ve started to fixate on my carpets Helen!
what a sunny day despite the showers! happy birthday fran!
Looks lovely Merry 🙂
I do like these ‘day in photos’ that keep popping up, lovley. Oh and you DO have very clean looking carpet.
The whole house looks very clean and uncluttered! Just keep it that way for another 12 days please 🙂
Nope, didn’t get your mail, never mind though, I guessed as much!
Lovely photos, I enjoyed them very much. But as someone who hasn’t made the leap into HE yet, I would love to see a day in the life of a MUM who HE’s. You seem to do SO much with your girls that I often wonder how you fit in shopping, making the lunch, cleaning, washing clothes and hoovering those pristine carpets!
I’d like to see a day with all the boring bits to believe that it’s achievable :o)
Grin… okay… well today so far we’ve unpacked a £600 order, packed around 25 parcels, unloaded the dishwasher, done two loads of washing, watched Mary Poppins and discussed the Suffragettes, division, why bodies do what they do when they get cold, how much money we don’t have since buying the house,… erm…. well, you get the picture. I’ll attempt a day with boring bits sometime this week!
Wow, fab photos. Do your kids have access anytime to tv or do they just prefer playing all the time? I’m thinking of having turn off tv time!!
They watch tv before about 9.30 and after 4pm or so if they aren’t out and choose to do so. I’m not overly strict either, i only really ask for it to be turned off if its playing to itslef or the same film for the 3rd time. They’ve gone from being addicts to not being bothered on their own really. if there is something good on – class tv or Raven/Blue Peter then i have no problems with them watching at all and we don’t really have channels that are full of crud anyway.
Occasionally it is used for babysitting too, like this morning when they watched Mary Poppins – but loads of educational value came out of that in the end anyway!
Love love it. You have inspired me to do a picture day!