Today, despite apparently consisting of nothing more than computer sprites, was actually pretty good. Fran and i had a bit of a chat, again, about the need for sulk free effort of some sort each day, so that i can satisfiy myself, nevermind the LEA, that she is getting an education. I must admit i’ve threatened school a bit recently, mainly based on knowing she would do anything to avoid it. But really, i’m not prepared to have wall to wall playing, nor can i be bothered to nag, so to some extent she pays her money and takes her choice. We now live somewhere with a passable school nearby and if i had to, i would. I’d prefer not and i can imagine i’d get her there without hysterical protest
Anyway, that over, she actually got on and did very well. She added some sentences to her “All About Me” thing and then typed it up. I helped her with a little bit of grammar and a little bit of formatting so that was a good hour or so of learning new and useful things. (Jax, must get that kids coding site from you, we even talked html ) Then she did a bit of joined up writing practise and some spellings and then some EC maths which i’d set up again. I helped her with understanding what multiples were but then she was away and i was pleased to see how quickly she was doing some of the mental maths for some of it too. She’s got very quick; it seems to be working well for her.
Maddy did a load of DWN stuff, some stickers that she drew pictures around (a fab monkey one which made me really laugh), some maths and english on EC and lots of ETC too. She is so confident in her abilities most of the time, it makes me very proud. She did undo herself by not being able to design a chinese fan she wanted to do and got into a right state, but i printed one from Activity Village in the end and she was delighted with that.
Amelie did a variety of things, including lots of lovely games with Josie, patterns blocks, stickers, designing a dora-esque sprite which sadly got eaten by the site, and some Rainbow Rock on the top floor computer. In fact, at one point i had 3 of them on three floors all demanding occasional help, which upped my step count for the day!
This afternoon we’ve had craft stuff out today and Fran did some lovely glove puppets while Maddy and Amelie made matchbox treasure boxes and decorated beer mats. Amelie is completely delighted because this morning i bequeathed my french wooden treasure box that was a present when i was 5 to her. She has been so pleased with it
So that is it – oh, i did go out and spend £60 on new underwear, but you perhaps didn’t need to know that