… and only just gone. And saved a day which started off with me feeling mostly morose and ended with me drinkingwinemerrily 🙂
Due to the extended (by invitation, i don’t want you thinking i couldn’t eject them!) nature of their stay, we’ve not done masses. Fran worked on some maths, Maddy worked on some writing, everyone played a bit in the garden and bedroom. Then the Beans turned up and it’s been wall to wall fairies ever since, with some gamecube, Barbies, SF-ing and the liek thrown in. i too kthe big two off to swimming for a while and got the pleasure of seeing Maddy get asked to demonstrate kicking legs on her back to her grade and the one above. She looks a really powerful little figure in the water, so co-ordinated and strong. Looking forward to her improving and oddly nice to see her leaving Fran standing in something physical.
Other than that, it’s been gossip, medical stories and food and wine. Perfect really 😉
Glad it was good.
we really enjoyed it.
And what LOVELY house.
They do need an adymachine to keep those beautiful carpets pristine though!!!
sounds like you all had lots of fun. I love days with friends.
Great sounding day, so nice to share a day with friends in your new house 🙂
I reckon i probably need Ady to keep these carpets clean, i’m not sure just the machine will do 😉