*thumps head* It’s in one of those boxes there; any idea which anyone? Only i needed it today, about 400 times. 🙄 Or was that 40, or perhaps just 4? After all, they’re all the same number, aren’t they? :wall:
Hm, well anyway. Fran made a start on Singapore 2B today, having been warned that it was back to “work” of all sorts today. The new arrangements od space seemed to work really well and she stayed downstairs and was very undistracted and much more focused. She did about 100 sums and got about 80 right i suppose, not bad given how long she has been floating freely! In fact she only tripped up because she forgot to add the units on initially and was getting 37+27=54 instead of 64. 🙄 but then it all went a bit pearshaped towards the end when 90+90 started to equal 900. Oh well. 😆
She’s spent lots of the day playing some very complicated Sylvannian game, reading, dancing, practising some gym move or other and doing some French on EC. We’ve got plans to do some FIMO food for her SF’s which i’ll have to find tonight (along with the base 10!).
maddy has been very motivated all day. The day we moved she did what, in a nursery setting, would be referred to as a “social story” for Amelie, who was fretting about how the move was going to work. Maddy drew her a carefully sequenced set of drawings describing the way the day would go, which i thought was a lovely and very thoughtful gesture of Maddy’s and showed a real jump in her empathy levels too. It worked a treat for Amelie and woke the drawing bug in Maddy. Today i got a huge story board, a set of instructions for making egg-in-a-cup (granny’s nursery suppers!) and a variet of other things. The new coffee table has portholes and i’ve stocked one of them with a basket of pencils and paper so she can sit there quietly and draw. It worked a treat for her.
Maddy and i also spent an hour or more on a variety of maths and reading games on EC – she needed very little help and got up to Year 3 on some of the maths. I was surprised and impressed by the way she sounded out words to get the right letters too; it was a very hard learnt skill for Fran and considering Maddy didn’t even know her letters a year ago, i was quite gobsmacked by it. Credit partly due to StudyDog, which i was about to link to but on looking at the site it doesn’t look like it is free anymore 🙁
Anyway, aside from more sorting and unpacking, i think that is it. More tomorrow no doubt.
EDIT: And… on what planet does sending 3000+ poker spam comments in the space of 24 hours make it more likely that i’ll want to play poker online? 👿
I emailed them Studydog site and they do still have a free version at http://www.famlit.org/studydog/index.cfm. Dont know if its as good but it seems ok.
dunno about the spam, but I feel your pain.
You too? I’ve been having the same spam problem, at least 1000+ comments a day, it’s really wearing. Wondering if upgrading WP would help, Jax what do you think? And that’s a loaded question! 😉
I think we can probably tweak the lists on both your installs to get rid of more before it hits moderation.
But the only thing the upgrade brings is akismet, and I *hate* that as a spam solution.
The upgrade does bring a few other nice bits and pieces too. I’m not using Akismet now, but I’ve much reduced the spam (have had *none* in almost a week, and absolutely no false positives ever) with a combination of SpamKarma and Auto-Close Comments. Worth a look?
I’m just scared of doing it, what if I lose everything!!
Hm, SK did appeal actually, and the auto-close sounds like a good move.
Sarah, we can back everything up. 🙂
Jax, I’d happily pay you to do the upgrade for me, I’m that scared of it!
Sarah – http://www.skippy.net/blog/plugins/ – you can set it to do automatic backups – mine does it nightly and emails me the file 🙂
testing – poke
testing ering
er – yep, its another test
roul – still testing
Excellent – so the “partial match thing on the spam total kill facility isn’t actually that partial. That should knock a bit of it out anyway.