Today we got a lawn. Excellent stuff and definitely educational to watch it being laid. Girls bombarded mark with questions about it, so i’m sure it must have been useful. I meanwhile pootled about doing bits and bobs of banking, unpacking, planting of the various shrubs we brought with us (some of which are on their 4th house!) and generally answering the miriad of questions that came my way. Enjoyed the feeling of things just “happening” today – questions on fractions, geography, growth and the like just popping up. Mid morning we found ourselves outside making evaporation happen on the warm patio and talking through a variety of images i found on google of the water cycle, all lying on the floor in the playroom together.
They all spent some co-operative time on Animal Crossing and Maddy drew some trees in Animal Crossing style. Yesterday they were practising bouncing balls and seeing which went highest; today they spent a long time stood on a garden toy and dropping balls, rubbish, stones and the like together and seeing what happened. Science, without any input from me 🙂
Maddy has come home from Rainbows with a beautifully made crown and a fantastic example of joined up writing that she has taught herself to do. Fran is due back soon. Josie’s phrase of the day has been “here you go” and impressed me no end by answering “who’s that then?” with a perfectly comprehending “Dora!” and then spending ages in the back of the car saying “Mummy AND Daddy! Mummy AND Daddy.”
Looking forward to getting properly straight this weekend and then being ready to live life again next week.
We’ve caught the moving bug! House gets valued tomorrow and if it’s enough……
Well done on getting straight so quickly!
Sounds like you’re getting settled, it takes me ages!
Oooh Ros! Exciting!
Amanda – we are SO well practised, 5 moves in 6 years!
Ha, we nearly followed suit as well, had the house valued yesterday but have decided against it after all (phew!).
Good grief! Really? What brought that on?
oh, it’s always on the cards with us!
Wow 5 moves in 6 years, we’ve done 5 in 15 years, I’m great at packing it’s the unpacking ;0)
You are all lightweights. vbg. I have moved 36 times in 45 years. 3.5 years in this house is the longest I have lived anywhere in my life.
LOL, I’m never ever moving again unless we win the lottery and then somebody else can do the packing and unpacking. Two moves in 4 months has nearly killed me! Hope you continue to love your new house, we are really enjoying ours too.